June: Hey Archer! Let’s plan on that. I’ll get the sketch done in the next few days and send it your way. That gives me some time to tweak it before I come and get started.
Surprisingly, although it was eleven o’ clock at night, he answered immediately.
Archer: Looking forward to it.
I rubbed my forehead and implanted a reminder in my brain to work on that tomorrow.
A notification came through for a text from Liz.
Liz: Look up “jellyfish shot.” You’re welcome.
I smiled to myself, wondering how much to tell her. It felt like so much had happened in two days.
June: I might need a few of those. I’m going to try and get laid tonight.
I chewed on my lip, wondering if I shouldn’t have told her that. There was no guarantee Amos would actually act on his attraction to me, but the way he had touched me all day told me otherwise. And the panic in his voice, my God. I’d been fooling around by pretending to choke in the tree, but the way he had screamed my name made me instantly remorseful. Whether it was a doctor thing or a “you’re not so bad after all, June” thing, he did seem to care about me. And that was something, right?
Liz: STFU for real???
June: We’ll see. IDK how to seduce a guy, but imma try.
Liz: Show him your tits.
I snickered, looking down at my filthy, mushroom print shirt. I needed a shower first.
June: Long story, but he’s staying in my cabin tonight.
Liz: Show him your tits.
I laughed out loud, and Amos gave me a sideways glance, still listening to someone on the phone. I covered my mouth, slowly making my way across the dark parking lot.
June: Tits. Check. Anything else?
Liz: Don’t tell him you have your v card obv.
June: Obviously.
Liz: Ur hot. Just get some. Whos the guy?
I sent her a zipped mouth emoji.
Liz: Ok ok u keep ur secrets. Have fun!
Still grinning, I slipped my phone into my legging pocket as we reached Amos’s car. He was still going on about brain imaging, and he didn’t even think twice about coming around to the passenger side and opening the door for me. I gave him a raised eyebrow look.Oh yeah. Come on, he totally likes me.Amos didn’t even notice my expression, and he shut the door after I’d climbed in.
As he talked with his colleague on our drive back to the cabin, I let my mind wander into forbidden places. Fun places. Places I’d never really been able to go myself, but for once, felt within reach. And with fuckingAmos Brady, the hottest tall-dark-and-handsome specimen I had ever seen. He didn’t strike me as a long-term relationship guy—why else would someone that hot have avoided getting a ring on some woman’s finger?—but I didn’t need one of those. I just needed someone with experience and amazing chemistry, and unless I was massively mistaken, I might have found that.
I tapped my hands together as I thought.
What if I was wrong, though? What if I was reading the situation all wonky and he really was just… a… benevolent guy?
No way.
My short nap in the tree had brought back the memory of our kiss in the shower, and he’d confirmed it for me. I half thought I had dreamed it. But, no, it had really happened. Dr. Brady had kissed me. Well, actually, I had kissed him, but he sure as hell had kissed me back.
I remembered how his hands had lathered soap all over my body, and the fire he had ignited in my core was such a scorching memory, it was no wonder my mind had brought it back to the surface. I had leaned into him, lust roaring in my blood, and with no inhibitions to keep me back, I had caught him off-guard and pushed him against the shower wall like I was some kind of male lead in a K-drama.
He could have shoved me away, but he hadn’t. And I’d grabbed his shoulders, lifted myself on my tip toes, and pulled him down to me. He’d only hesitated a moment before his thick lashes had fanned out across his cheeks, and he’d closed the distance between our lips. I’d probably tasted like puke, honestly, but oh, he had tasted so good. His toothpaste had an interesting cinnamony aromatic flavor that went perfectly with his tan skin and moody personality.