Page 22 of Love MD

God, she was cute. Too bad she was such a pain in the butt. I lowered the honey bottle to her chest which was well exposed over the deep “V” of her crop top.

She let out a wordless groan of agony, letting her head fall back to my pillows. “Ihateyou, Amos.”

I swirled the honey up her neck toward her chin. “Good thing you got—what is this? A bulk honey bear? There’s a lot in there.” I gave the bottle a hard squeeze, dropping an enormous glob on her chin.

She gagged again.

“Get comfy. We aren’t done until this bottle is empty.”

She kicked in frustration. “Fuckyou, Brady.”

I filled her mouth with honey before she could close her lips. “Watch your mouth, Matthews.”

She coughed, swallowed, and then made a retching sound.

Uh oh.

I managed to scoop her up and get her curled over my arm before she vomited a stream of dark purple liquid all over my cabin floors. Honey from her skin coated my forearm as I supported her, making sure she didn’t accidentally turn and aspirate any of the bile. She threw up so violently, it covered us both, splashing up my plaid pajama pants and spraying all the way up her bare legs.

I wrapped her hair around my free hand, doing my best to keep it from getting in the pungent mess as she upchucked what looked like an actual gallon of Wild School Dirties. Well, that was what I deserved, probably. Dirty floors and a guilty conscience.

Muddy, violet puke seeped into a growing puddle on my floor, and I dragged us both away from the bed to keep it from coating my feet any worse than it already had. Her knees buckled, and I lowered her to the floor gingerly. Swallowing a gag, I asked, “How many of those things did you drink?”

Her shoulders shook, and she stayed hunched over with her long, wild hair covering her face.

I considered her warily. “June? Are you okay?” I put a hand between her shoulder blades to make sure she was breathing and not choking.

She trembled, head bowed.

“Are you crying?” I asked, horrified. The only thing that could make this situation worse was a hysterical, weeping female.

A low sound escaped her, and for a heart-rending second, I thought I really had made her cry. But then it deepened, and her torso shook with silent laughter that only grew in volume.


She laughed, cackled really, low and long, and then sucked in a loud breath before letting loose another unbroken, unbridled laugh that filled the quiet cabin.

I slapped a hand over her mouth to keep her from waking up Andrews. “You’relaughing?”I hissed in her ear.

She gulped, nodded, and between breathy laughs muffled by my hand, she rasped, “You have to clean up my puke.”

I made a disgusted sound and pinned her hands to her sides, squeezing her like an anaconda from behind. “You little—”

A knock sounded on the adjoining door that connected my cabin to Andrews’. “Yo, Brady,” he said from the other side, “you alright, man?”

I ground my teeth together. Of course, things would backfire on me. Served me right for messing with a tornado like June Matthews. “I’m good!” I called back, silencing June’s drunken giggles with my hand again. “I think I ate something bad from a gas station on the way up here.”

Andrews made a sympathetic sound. “You need anything?”

June kicked one of her heels, which were both tucked between my knees as we crouched on the floor. She connected with my balls.

Pain lanced through me from my groin, up to my teeth, and all the way down to my toes. I wheezed, bowing forward and covering June in a crushing hold. Coughing, I managed to eke out, “No, man. I’m good.”

“Well, you sound terrible. Let me know if I can help.”

“Yep,” I croaked.

June snorted out another laugh, coating my hand in snot.