Page 75 of Devil In Boots

Walkie-talkie? Shit. That meant he could notify people if we came up on him.

“The new lord must have deep connections; this thing is right off the black market,” the other guy noted. “What the hell is he hiding in here that we have to guard a magic-locked prison door with no one here?”

“We should find out. Break in and take it for ourselves.”

“No way. I saw the carnage he did to Lord Orbán and his men.”


“Screw you, Boyd.”

Boyd let out a low laugh like he got off taunting people.

Boots clipped the floor, coming around the corner, heading directly for us.

Croygen’s arms circled me, yanking me into one of the dungeons, tucking me against his body against the wall. Cooper, AB, and Amara slipped in beside us.

The guard’s footsteps got closer. There was a chance he had vision like Cooper and me, able to see us in here. Terror raced in my veins, my breath held in my lungs as he started to pass.

Croygen’s grip tightened on me, his hand gently skating over my chest, pressing his palm against my racing heart. It instantly slowed as if he commanded it. How easily he could have my heart racing or soothing with just a touch. Whichever intention he had was felt through every fiber of my being. My muscles relaxed against him, his mouth against the back of my neck, centering me back in place.

The soldier muttered under his breath, passing the room, none of us moving until only silence rebounded back from where he departed.

There might be only one guard on the door, but with a click of his finger and a single word, Killian’s entire army would know we were here. Any plan we had before of approaching wasn’t going to work. But I had an idea that might.

I turned to Croygen, my eyes set on him as I yanked off my jacket, lowering any barrier between us, expressing my plan without a word spoken.

His gaze went back and forth between my eyes, understanding every nuance, his head shaking no.

I tilted my head, feeling the buzz between us, the webs we tried to shear and cut through every day binding even stronger. Becoming unbreakable.


“Yes,”I countered, pulling off my boots and inching up to the door.

“Katrina.”My name blasted through me right before I commanded my body to shift. My clothes fell around me in a puddle, my sleek black form about to slip out into the passage when I felt something drop down on my back.

“Giddy up,Bhean chait.Let’s go grab some smelly pirate booty.” Sprig gripped my fur.

I heard Croygen and AB make a noise, reaching after him, but it was too late to stop. Already out the door, I debated going back, but then I realized he might be beneficial. While I distracted Boyd, Sprig could be starting on the lock.

Staying close to the wall, I peered through the dim light the single firebulb on the wall provided, taking in every detail.

Boyd stood in front of a heavy goblin metal door, a rifle in one hand, a walkie-talkie in the other, his attention on affixing it to his belt.

Darting up, I threaded through his legs. His head jerked, his gaze landing on me. He blinked at the monkey on my back with white underwear for a cape.

“What the fuck?”

“Is that how you address a divine Monkey God King riding his pussy-steed, underling?”

His eyes widened, his mouth parting, his hand diving for the walkie-talkie.

It was now or never.

Stretching up, my claws sunk deep into the hand with the device, a yowl pitching from him. The gadget dropped, skidding across the ground as Sprig leaped off my back for the door.

Footfalls drummed for us as Croygen and the rest moved in with speed.