Page 63 of Devil In Boots

“I need to see if it’s him.” I reached for the docking line, panic clawing at me.

“Kat, stop. You’re being ridiculous.”

“I need to go.”

“And what, Kat?” Croygen grabbed the rope, stopping me from untying it. “What if it is? Are you going to knock on the door and ask if he can come out and play with you?” Croygen leaned over, getting in my face. “You think you can even get that far? And what if it’s not him? You want to end up in that prison they’re building over there? You know how fae prisons work, Kitten. You go in and you don’t come out,” he seethed, though all I sensed was his fear, the need to keep me safe. “Take a breath and think for a moment.”

I didn’t want to. I just wanted to act. To see if it was Killian.


“The guards will shoot you before you touch the gate.” Croygen continued, feeling my hesitation. “They know who we are. Know what we’re after. You can’t just walk up there.”

I knew that, but it didn’t change my desperation to confirm what my gut was telling me.

“It’s not him, Katrina.” Croygen held out his hand for me to take. “I know you miss him, but don’t do something foolish in the heat of the moment.”

I stared at the lights, the large windows adorning the great palace, teasing me with the possibility of peeking inside.

A hacking cough came from Annabeth, snapping my head to her. Cooper rubbed her back and brushed the hair off her face. She was getting sicker. I could smell the bitter stench consuming her.

Without the nectar, she would die very soon.

“Katrina?” Croygen wiggled his hand for me to take.

Exhaling, I sat a few more moments before I took it, letting him lift me back onto the pier.

“We will be going there soon enough.” Croygen tossed one of the guns to me. “We need a plan first, all right?”

Nodding, I tucked a blade and gun into my waistband, following the group back toward our lodging. At the last moment, I peered over my shoulder at the glowing throne on the hill, my heart twisting in my chest before we disappeared into the heart of the city.

I didn’t know if I wanted it to be him or not.

“What is our plan?” Cooper carried AB up the steep stairs to our floor. “We know where to get in, but what after that?”

“Yeah.” Croygen sighed, getting to our door and pushing it open. “Be helpful if we knew where the nectar was being held.”

“I might be able to help with that,” a voice spoke, I caught a woman’s silhouette on my bed.

Croygen yanked out his gun, pointing it at the figure.

“Oh, I think that’s unnecessary, but you know how I like it.” Her eyes slid to me briefly, returning to him with a knowing smile. “Don’t you, Croygen?”

Fuck my life.


“What the hell are you doing here, Amara?” Croygen stepped in closer, his finger pressing firmer down on the trigger.

“I’m here as friend, not foe.” She put up her hands like they were playing some kinky game. “I swear.”

“Like I believe a word that comes out of your lying mouth.” Croygen sneered, letting Cooper move into the room with him. Amara sat up, finally snapping out of her sultry tone.

“I’m here to help.” She sounded more honest.

“Funny, ’cause the last time we saw you, you broke my hand and stole the nectar,” I snarled, moving past the boys, my gun pointed at her, anger growing my nails out long. “Helpingthe Hungarian soldiers.”

“Yeah, well…” Her lip lifted. “That didn’t work out.”