Page 30 of Devil In Boots

Crocodile-man lurched forward in a blink, his clawed hands slashing the man’s throat so deeply his head almost fell off. Blood sprayed out, cascading down like a river, devastation and horror on his face while he dropped to the ground, knowing he was already dead.

Fear became a living thing that held its breath, taking a moment to comprehend what had just happened before it spewed out like a waterfall, devouring the room in a current of chaos. Unnatural screeches and sounds exploded as the monsters went for their new threat, abandoning Cooper, Kat, and me.

Cooper didn’t hesitate to shift, his Dark Dweller roaring in a deafening pitch, the spikes on his back reflecting in the light. He leaped for the monstrosities, his teeth digging into the rhino-beetle’s neck.

A barrage of bullets pummeled the walls and ground, zipping through the air. The doctor jolted with a cry. Snapping my head back to him, I watched a bullet hit the box in his hand, flinging the nectar from his grip. It tumbled to the ground, disappearing into the darkness.

I went still, my brain taking in what that meant. But I was too far away with too many barriers in my way. I wouldn’t be able to reach it first.

“Katrina!” I bellowed her name, my gaze latching onto hers, shoving my idea toward her without another sound. I sensed the electricity, the buzzing, a connection going far beyond simple understanding. Deep and wordless, but just as clear. Just as loud.

Her head dipped in understanding, her body shifting as I flipped around, yanking my blade from the sheath, ready to put my body between her and any threat coming.

It was a game of catch the nectar.

A game wehadto win.

Chapter 8


My bones popped, my muscles twisting as I shifted into my cat form. My vision sliced through the darkness, my clothes landing beside me. I had known without even looking or hearing him what Croygen was telling me. It poured through my veins, whispered into my soul, etched every nuance into my muscles.

My sleek black fur blended into the shadows like I was part of them, my small frame racing across the cave without notice. I could clearly see Novikov scrambling to find the nectar, his hands frantically scraping the ground, landing on the small box.

Nooooo!My claws dug in more, zipping me to him as he started to stand. Lurching my body forward, I protracted my nails, sinking them into his face with a hiss.

“Ahhhhh!” A high-pitched scream emanated from him as he fell back. I dug in deeper, holding on, slicing and cutting trenches over his skin. His shrieks of pain yipped while he swatted and flailed to get me off, the box dropping from his hands.

Annabeth sprang toward us, reaching for it.

“No!” Novikov screeched, flinging me off. My body smacked to the ground, rolling before I found my feet. He yanked out a gun from his pocket, trying to sit up.


The shot rang in my ears, and everything went in slow motion. I watched the bullet discharge from the barrel, zipping only a few feet before it drove through the first obstacle in its way.

Annabeth!My mind screamed, a yowl coiling from my throat.

The force flung her down with a cry, her hand going to her arm, the contents of her bag scattering across the floor.

Fierce anger arched my back, a growl vibrating the back of my throat. This man needed to die. He scooted closer to the box, unfazed about shooting a young girl, his focus solely on the nectar.

Hissing, I pounced back for him, my nails clamping down on his arm. My teeth sank into his tendons, breaking his hold. The gun plunged to the stone, sliding a few feet away.

“Fucking bitch!” he spat, trying to shake me off, his movement only notching my claws in deeper. “Get off!” His free hand beat at my body, trying to pry me off.

Movement caught my eye as Annabeth tried to sit up, her hand on her bleeding shoulder, her mouth moving as a small shape darted for us.

Novikov snapped toward the small figure.

As commotion hurled around us, it felt like time had stopped. A standoff.

Sprig’s tiny hands gripped the box, his eyes on the doctor. Sprig made a little nervous chirp sound, breaking the bubble. We all moved at the same time.

Novikov lunged for him, his hand wrapping around the monkey as Annabeth snatched up the fallen weapon, gripping it with both hands, her expression ready to rain down fire. Like this was personal. This was vengeance.

The gun fired, cracking the air like a whip.