Page 123 of Devil In Boots

“Yep.” I nodded, taking Kat’s hand and smiling down at her. “That’s exactly what it means.”

“Pam does not approve of being called a hoe.”

“Land a-farm animal doesn’t have the same ring to it.” I fought back my laugh.

“No, but she’s okay with land-a-goat-goddess-queen.” Sprig patted Pam’s head from his backpack. “Right, baby?”

“Good for you, Pam. Demand respect.” Kat spoke back to her like she was real, winking at me.

Groaning under my breath, I darted my gaze to her. “Were you demanding respect when I was spanking you last night?”

“As long as you call me your pussy-goddess-queen while you do it.”

My molars clenched together, my cock responding instantly to her, making her smile smugly at me. “So gonna pay for that later, Kitty-Kat.”

“That better be another promise.”


“Look! Look!” Sprig started hopping up and down on my shoulder, cutting through the heated moment. I turned my gaze to the shore, pulling AB and Cooper to the railing with us. “Bhean! Bhean!” he cried out, going in circles over my shoulder, jumping from me to Katrina, to AB and Cooper and back again. “Viking!Buachaillín!” That was his name for Wyatt, meaning boy. “MATTY!”

Like an arrow, I inhaled sharply as the figures became clearer and larger the closer we sailed.

It was as if they had been waiting since they watched me sail away, the vacancy still apparent, but it no longer hurt as much to see them.

Zoey’s brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and she was even more beautiful than I remembered. A watery smile appeared on her face, her green eyes bursting with excitement and love. She stood on the dock, Matty tapping his paws excitedly while the intimidating blond-haired Viking towered next to her. Ryker held Wyatt with one arm, the toddler squirming and waving excitedly as my crew prepared for berthing.

“Oh my gods!” Annabeth squealed next to me, her hand on her mouth, tears flowing down her face, hopping up and down, ready to explode off this ship. “Wyatt! He’s grown so much, I swear.”

Tsai sailed us smoothly in while Vane, Ty, and Zid pulled down sails. Cane and Corb tied us up as Scot pulled the gangway.

It was barely down before Annabeth and Sprig were tearing off, running toward our family so freely and happily. Cooper jogged right behind.

Nervous energy fluttered in my chest. The sudden need to run, to avoid the emotions attacking me had me staring at the exit, my feet stuck.

Katrina’s fingers laced through mine, her hand squeezing tight. She didn’t need to say anything. She was there by my side. Whatever I needed.

My anchor.

Swallowing, I rolled back my shoulders, laying up a wall as I strode off the ship, Katrina right next to me.

Zoey was gushing over Annabeth, her expression in complete shock and joy at seeing Annabeth’s transformation to fae.

Then she stopped, her head swinging to me.

I thought I was prepared. I thought I could smile, shake hands, and hug without much fanfare. We were excited to see each other, all the hard stuff behind us.

As her green eyes met mine, everything I held as defense dropped away.

Being so young when my family died, I never had a real home. I jumped around, never putting down roots. Never having people, I was able to completely be myself. Where I wasn’t captain, where I wasn’t ruthless or charming. Katrina had changed that, but now it made me realize what home really meant.

It wasn’t a place.

It was these people.

A cry broke from Zoey, her magic jumping her right to me, crashing into me, her arms going around me while her sobs filled my ears.

At that moment, everything broke.