Page 119 of Devil In Boots

The window by my head splintered, the safety glass not breaking, but it would only take one more shot before it would give way.

“We’re almost out of bullets!” Ty banged on the window again. “They’re gaining on us!”

“I know!” I tried again to get the engine started. It rolled over and then died a horrific, gasping death. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!” The buzz of the other motors felt like nails in the back of my brain, their boats parting, ready to circle us.

“Croygen!” Katrina’s voice popped my head up, her arm pointed forward. My gaze jerked to follow her gesture, my eyes widening at the sight before me. Like the sea goddess Calypso was offering up a gift, bequeathing help to her faithful sailors.

And I’ve been a very good boy.

The majestic black beauty glided over the water like a dream and nightmare all at once, the skull moniker flapping proudly in the breeze, giving no mistake to who it was or the power it bore.

The death that would rain down.

“Yesssss!” I screamed, coming out of the wheelhouse, my heart exploding at seeing my ship sailing for us, dwarfing all the tiny boats, including us. “Oh, baby, how I’ve missed you,” I spoke to my ship, my heart feeling like my family was truly together.

Gunfire poured down on the boats around us, circling us in a bubble, like being in the middle of the eye of the storm. My ship had to stop where it was, the water getting too shallow for it to proceed. There really wasn’t any way they could reach us. Our boat was nothing but a bobbing buoy.

“We have to swim.”

“What?” Cane’s already pallid face bleached. “I’m not crazy about open water. Plus, I’m bleeding. It’s like an invitation to sharks.”

“Yeah, and they love the taste of dog.”

“Croy.” Kat sighed, climbing over the railing with me and looking at the twins. “You’ll be okay.”

“Yeah.” I nodded sardonically. “Just swim really fast.” I dove into the water, feeling more than hearing Katrina scold me, making my lips part in a smile as I swam for my ship.

Reaching the port side, I clung to the rope ladder, waiting for Katrina to start up first.

“You really are an asshole,” she teased, pulling herself up.

“You know who you fell in love with.” I winked.

She paused for a moment, her mouth parting. It took me a moment to realize what I said. It wasn’t a shocking claim. We were mated, but we hadn’t said that word yet. Not out loud.

“Yeah.” Her gaze met mine. “I do.” She swallowed, her cheeks pink. “I lo—”

The twins swam up, ending our moment. She turned away, climbing up to the deck.

“Sharks didn’t eat you?” I grumbled. “Of course. My luck.” Following Kat, I scaled up, Scot grabbing my arm and tugging me in.

“You guys have impeccable timing.” I clapped him on the back.

“Thank Haoyu.” He motioned to the man standing near the helm.

“You’re still here?” I pulled off my drenched jacket.

“Yes.” He bowed.

“He’s not the only one.” Scot nodded to the people still shooting at Batara’s men. Zidane, Vane, Corb, and…

Cooper and Annabeth.

“What the hell?” I shook my head. “I thought you guys were heading back to Seattle.”

“We don’t walk away when family needs us.” Annabeth lowered her gun, walking over to me with a smile. She glowed even more than she did before. The fae magic worked through her system, turning her into some fae goddess. She was illuminated from the inside out, appearing happier and stronger than I had ever seen her.

Pulling her into a hug, I squeezed her tight.