Page 103 of Devil In Boots

“Ann…” Cooper whispered, his chest heaving, tears spilling down his face. I could see the moment coming. Darkness wouldn’t take him. He wouldbecomethe darkness. “Baby…” he croaked, his hand gripping her face, leaning over her.

Her lids flew open, her body lurching up, her head cracking into his as she sat up. A huge gasp filled her lungs with life. Coughing, her body shook, her eyes wide and scared, like she was just yanked from death’s hands and was shoved back into life.

A few beats of shock suspended us in time. We paused in disbelief, not wanting to trust what our eyes were showing us for fear it was tricking us.

“Ow.” She touched her head where it hit Cooper’s, rubbing at it. “That hurt.”

“Holy fuck!” Cooper bellowed. “Oh my gods!” He pulled her into his arms, holding her tight. “It worked.” He kissed her sore head, drawing her closer, a sob cracking his chest in relief. “You’re alive.”

A noise huffed from my soul, my body sagging, tears burning my lids with relief and happiness. I felt Kat’s hand still on my shoulder, and I gripped it so tight, needing her like an anchor. She was my world, my security, and my truth.

“Alive… and fae,” Tsai spouted from behind us. “I can feel her. Her magic isintense.”

We watched Cooper and AB hold each other for a while as she caught her breath before she curved around to look at us. Her blue eyes were bright with tears, but also glowing now. She reached out to me, yanking me to her, picking up Sprig too, folding us all in a family hug.

I couldn’t hold back anymore. The emotion of thinking we lost her took over. Sobs hacked at my throat.We did it, Lex… we saved her, I thought to myself. And I felt that where she was, she was smiling and cheering.

Good job, ol’ man. I could hear her tease back, getting all sassy.Now it’s time to forgive yourself. Live your life and get into all sorts of trouble and adventures for me.

Holding Annabeth, feeling the fae magic come off her, knowing she was safe… I exhaled again.

I let the guilt go.

“I will,” I muttered to myself.

For the first time, I felt my life was just beginning. With Kat. There were so many adventures ahead, and I would always carry a piece of Lexie with me so she would experience them too.

Not out of remorse or obligation.

But out of love.

Chapter 22


“Are you sure you don’t need us?” Cooper asked again, peering down the gangway toward Haoyu, who waited for us on an abandoned dock. We were a few miles outside Belgrade, where nature was moving back in and taking over.

“No.” I was so tempted to say yes, to have more people to help me get my crew, but I knew I couldn’t risk any of them. I had already gotten my own killed. “You need to get home. Even if she’s better.” I nodded at Annabeth with a smile. “She still might have some fae growing pains.”

“I feel great.” Her blonde hair glowed like the moonlight shining down on her. Her skin was bright, her cheeks rosy. Annabeth had looked fae before with her delicately stunning features, but now she really was.

It was like she always was meant to be one of us.

Cooper had not let her go for a moment, his arm tight around her, kissing and touching her with no reservation. They looked like a newlywed couple—so deeply in that giddy love, unable to keep their hands off each other. I had a feeling it wouldn’t be long until they couldn’t, and this time when they had sex, it would be on such a different, deeper level than they ever had before. Her being fae was going to change their relationship for the better. He would be able to really let go with her now.

“I need to do this,” I reassured them. “And the more of us, the more chances of someone getting hurt. I have to face Batara on my own.”

Neither Cooper nor Scot looked pleased, their eyes darting to Croygen as if he was going to give them an opposite order.

Don’t you even think about it.My thoughts shot to him.

He snorted, raising his hands enough to tell me he got my message. Or at least felt my warning.

We hadn’t discussed how things would work, but neither of us would be first mate or crew. We were both captains, which might be a problem.

“Get back to our ship,” Croygen ordered Scot. “Make sure Cooper and Annabeth get to Seattle safely. And then head for Singapore.” He turned to Cooper and AB.

Annabeth swallowed roughly, her eyes teary. “The moment you can, come home to us.” She stretched on her toes, hugging Croygen. He held her tightly, his throat bobbing and head nodding, not able to answer.