Page 92 of Devil In Boots

“Croy-gen?” My voice cracked, still wondering how he felt about all this. He put up a front for Killian, but did the fact I uttered the wordmateout loud freak him out? Did he want this?

“We’ll deal with it later.” He shook his head, ending the conversation there, his arms tugging at the chains. “Right now we need to focus on a plan to get the fuck out of here.”

“Say the magic word…” a muffled voice sang out from where Croygen was.

“What the fuck?” Croygen jerked, peering down at his jacket.

“No, that’s not it, buttaneer.” A fuzzy head popped out of his jacket pocket, big brown eyes glittering from the dim firebulb light. “Try again… rhymes with honey and ends with super sprite the Monkey God King.”

“Sprig!” I yelped, getting back to my feet, my heart bubbling at seeing his adorable face.


“You were there the whole fucking time?” Croygen exclaimed.

“You are really bad at this game, boothumper. That sounded nothing like the magic word.” Sprig crawled out, climbing up Croygen’s arm, noticing the manacles around his wrists. “Again? I know you’re into some kinky stuff, but is this really the time?”

“Sprig.” A low growl formed in Croygen’s throat. “Get them off me now.”

“I feel like we’ve been here before. You begging me to get you out of a bind.Again. Who’s your savior?”


“Who’s your savior? Come on, big boy, you have to say it.”

“Ihaveto boil you in banana pudding.”

“Guess someone wants to stay chained up.” Sprig tipped his head at Croygen.

The pirate took a deep breath, staring at the ceiling. “You. Are. My. Savior.” Every syllable sounded like glass being eaten. “Super Sprig, Monkey God…”

“King.” Sprig chirped. “Don’t forget the king.”

A noise gurgled up Croygen’s throat, spitting out the sentence slowly. “Super Sprig, Monkey GodKing.”

“There.” Sprig patted his arm. “Was that so hard?”

I had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing. Croygen leveled his gaze at me with a glower.

“Sprig, I’m getting you a bucket of honey.” I grinned at Croygen with a wink.

“I likeBhean chait.” Sprig twisted to leap off Croygen, to head to me.

“No.” Croygen grabbed him. “Just finish here first.” His attention came back to me with liquid fire. “She will get what’s coming to hervery soon.”

It was a promise and threat, and every molecule in my body wanted it. I forced myself to look away; the air kindled with heavy magic, sucking the air out of the room.

How did I ignore this before? How was I able to push it away? Because now that it was said, the threads between us were palpable. Weaving and twining tighter, screaming out the bond there.

Metal clanked to the floor, snapping my head back to him. Sprig had worked quickly, getting both his handcuffs off. The moment Croygen was free, he darted to me. Sprig leaped to my arm, starting on my cuffs.

“You okay?” His hands slid up my jaw, his gaze dragging over me, seeing for himself I was fine.

“Yeah.” I nodded, my lips pinching together. He saw right through me, understanding that physically, I was all right, but emotionally, I was far from it.

He watched me, his eyes tracking mine, not saying a word. We no longer needed to. The emotions were there to feel, to explore and taste. It scared the shit out of me, yet stilled something in me I never knew had been anxious and unsettled.

One shackle dropped, breaking our connection, peering down at the tiny monkey.