Page 114 of Devil In Boots

Overwhelming desire raged like a firestorm, ripping all my senses away, shutting down against the barrage of pain and pleasure. An entity floating through, understanding even in death, Croygen and I would find each other. There was no end or beginning. We fucked, lived, and died with the same breath.

I fell into his chest, the water raining down on us, our lungs desperate for air. My muscles shook violently, feeling how deep he still was inside me, how easily he could make me come again, though my body felt raw and exposed, my nerves too close to the surface.

“Fuck, Kitten,” he rumbled hoarsely in my ear. His hands cupped my face, pulling it back enough to kiss me. Slow. Soft. His meaning in it struck my heart.

I love you.

Pulling back, I peered at him, a smirk dancing over his mouth, knowing I fully heard him.

“This.” His hands moved down to where we were still connected, his seed gushing over his abdomen. “Needs to stay in here where it belongs.” His fingers scooped up his cum, pushing it back inside me, rubbing it over my clit.

“Croy-en.” I stuttered over his name, my eyes squeezing shut as another small orgasm brutally quaked through me, feeling him harden inside me. “Think I’m done with you?” His hips pushed up. Slow and deep, he moved inside me, his cock thickening and growing with every pump. “I will never be done with you.”

A groan tipped my head back, and my body started to respond, already feeling the burn of pleasure clench through my thighs.

“Where we live or what we do?” He gripped my hips, controlling the methodical speed, compelling me to feel every inch of him, every vein and muscle. To experience this without the haze and frantic need we usually were consumed with. “I don’t give a fuck. You want to be captain? Make all the rules? Fine.” He stroked deeper, his eyes intent on me. “Want to sail around the rest of days tracking down your ship and avenging your enemies? I am by your side, Kitten.”

“Croygen…” I tried to ride him faster, pleasure burning up my spine, my lids closing at the onslaught, sensing this orgasm might destroy me.

“No.” He held me firmer, keeping his deep, penetrating strokes even. “Look at me, Kat.”

Biting on my lip, I forced my eyes open.

“Keep them on me,” he ordered. “Watch me fucking you, feel me invading your pussy.” He picked up his tempo, making me whine with need. “Because it is mine. And when that door shuts for the day, I’m the one to make the rules.”

“Co-Captain.” I grunted, hearing my voice hitching, my climax crackling at my skin.

“Co-Captain?” He huffed, his hips moving faster. “That should be interesting.”

“Until I get my ship back, then we sail them together as a fleet.”

“Fleet? I like the way you think, Kitten.” His palms slid over my breasts, pinching at my nipples. I moaned, my eyes rolling back. “But whichever ship, I’m still in charge in the bedroom.” He wound his fist in my hair. “Got it?”

I nodded. Everywhere else was up for grabs.

“Now fuck the shit out of me, Katrina.” He yanked on my strands, pulling me down as he slammed up into me.

I let out a scream. Punishing, cruel, and bruising, we challenged, we matched, we sank deeper into each other, feeling our bond knot with unbreakable certainty. There was no way to ever undo it. And I never wanted to.

I rode him, and he took my nipple into his mouth, nipping down as he rubbed my clit. Blackness dotted my vision, a cry tearing from my soul as my orgasm ferociously overtook me.

And I went with the security my mate would protect me. Keep me safe. I had someone I could fully trust.

And to pirates, that meant everything.

Chapter 24


My lids fluttered open, the late afternoon sunlight filtering through the curtains suggesting I had at least slept a few hours. My muscles were sore, and my bones ached, but a grin tugged at my lips, instantly seeking Katrina on the small cot, pulling her tighter against me, nuzzling into the back of her neck. My cock was ready to push back inside her, waking her up the same way I put her to sleep.

From the shower, I carried her limp body to the mattress, where I passed out right next to her, my body giving out the instant I set her down.

Sex with her? Fuck… I had no words, exceptI want some more, please.

Taking a deep breath of her smell, every muscle relaxed in a peace I never knew could be felt.

I could so get used to this. Seeing her next to me, feeling her naked body against mine. I never thought I’d want just one woman for the rest of my life, but there wasn’t an ounce of me that wasn’t completely hers. Was this what it was like having a mate? Even the idea of anyone else made you feel sick? Like you wanted to crawl out of your own skin.