Page 85 of Silver Tongue Devil

I slipped by people without notice, sticking to the shadows. Normally, this wasn’t even a thought. Human form or cat, sneaking around was instinctual. Except my head wasn’t entirely in the game tonight, too conscious of the figure staying right up on me, pressing against me every time we came to a stop.

My lashes fluttered at his breath at the back of my neck, his presence making me jittery and distracted. My skin prickled with the memory of his touch.

His kiss.

As a preteen, I had dreamed about kissing him, but it was always sweet and simple, having no idea the true pleasure this man could bring with a simple kiss. Because with him, it wasn’t just a kiss. It was a command of your body, a seduction of all your senses. Why did I think I’d be immune when all other women, fae or human, had failed? I was shown my folly.

Tortured by it, the kiss looped in my head on repeat since he walked away. I couldn’t seem to let it go, to chalk it up to our emotions running high and needing an outlet. There was a shame in knowing I not only enjoyed my father’s killer kissing me, but I craved it like nothing else. I couldn’t face the fact I had to get myself off in the shower later, and in the middle of the night, I woke up like I could feel his energy surrounding me, skating over my skin, and weaving through my soul, bringing me to climax again. It had felt so real, like he was there with me.

I had to get myself off twice when we got back from shopping, my body so tight, my need to go to the cabin he slipped off to was almost too tempting. I wanted to blame him, to turn this all on him because I had never experienced this before. The number of men I had been with in my life was astounding, yet I couldn’t remember their names or faces after I left. A few here and there had stuck around a little longer, but I would get bored, my focus solely on my need to become a successful pirate.

I had Killian and my crew. I didn’t need anything more. The men were to either steal from or take the edge off, preferably both.

Then Croygen, the devil himself, strolled back into my life and turned me into a fool again.

“Where to, Kitty-Kat?” Croygen’s sultry voice grazed my ear. A shiver ran over my skin, my lips rolling together, keeping in my response. This man made me weak, and I hated it.

Stepping away, my irritation increased. “A block up.” I didn’t even glance back before taking off, wishing it was more than just me and Croygen on this mission.

Cooper wanted to come but was sensible enough to understand that more people brought more attention and risks. Croygen and I had the skills to slip in and out of places, blending in with the night, robbing people blind. It was what we did.

Croygen hadn’t even fought me when I showed up dressed in black with a backpack, ready to go. Instead, he motioned for me to take lead.

Music and voices spilled from the bar, people and prostitutes packing the small watering hole. Croygen and I moved closer to it, hoping the shark-shifters were there enjoying the warm night.

We had two plans, depending on if the men had or hadn’t left the room. No matter what, we were going in. One plan left them unconscious on the ground but aware they were being tracked. The other left them unaware anyone was even in their room, going on their way, easy to follow.

Hood up, Croygen slipped into the bar, his magic helping him blend in, and within twenty seconds, he was back out.

“They’re there.”

“Good.” I breathed out, heading around the building. The bar was on a corner with rooms above. Theirs was the top one. We ducked into the boarding house’s entrance. Because electricity no longer worked, there were no alarms or buzzing people in, just good old-fashioned locks.

I opened my palm, waiting for Croygen. Without a pause, he pulled lock picks out of my bag and placed them in my hand, the interaction automatic, like we had been doing this for years. There was also no question that while I broke in, he would be on guard, watching for any other inhabitants coming the stoop.

It took me barely two minutes before the lock snapped open, and I grinned over my shoulder, pushing the door.

“Could have been faster.” Croygen winked, strolling past me.

Rolling my eyes, I trailed after him, heading up the three flights of stairs.

“The end one.” I pointed down the hall, our legs taking us to the door. I sensed it the moment we walked up, disappointment lowering my shoulders. “They magic-locked it.”

“Shit.” Croygen’s head fell back on an exhale. “I was hoping these two weren’t so smart.”

“What do we do?” Normal locks were easy, but magic locks, which had become the rage after the Fae War, were not. No one had come up with anything to counter the spell yet, making them one of the hardest things to break into. If not impossible. “We can try going up the balcony?”

“And what are the chances they haven’t spelled that door too?” Croygen scoured at his forehead.

“Still worth a shot.” I shrugged, looking back at the door like the spell would magically be gone this time.

Movement caught my eye, a tiny hand reaching out by my hip, coming from a pocket on the side of my backpack.

“Holy shit!” I jumped, tearing off my pack.

“What?” Croygen jerked to me, watching me with confusion as I held it up, a furry arm sticking out.

“Nooooo,” Croygen groaned.