Page 65 of Silver Tongue Devil

“We are.” He watched me. A long silence stretched out. “You half shifted into your cat form when I was about to be attacked earlier.”

Embarrassment flushed my cheeks at the moment of weakness. I hadn’t thought. Instinct had kicked in. I had worked hard to control my changes after the mortifying incident on his deck so long ago. A lot of shifters could partially change, but I learned to fight without doing it, so I didn’t need to. But tonight, that had been lost in seconds. A single threat to him and I forgot it all.

“Yeah, so?”

“Just an observation.” He sunk down in the pillows, drinking until about two inches were left, handing it back to me. “Takes skill to do that. I was impressed.”

He didn’t know that was a slipup for me.

“Think you need to rest.” I finished off the bottle, dropping it on the side table.

“You never answered my question.” His lids were lower, but the intensity of his gaze became even more powerful.

“What’s that?”

“Last time you got laid, Kitty-Kat?”

A few words and he had me boiling, my body telling me it had been far too long, intuitively knowing he could make me purr.

“Full truth.” His expression was full of trouble.

“Been a little busy lately.”

“Still not an answer.”

“A while,” I stated. “And leave it at that.”

“And did they make you come?”

Flustered, I changed positions, unable to look at Croygen, everything in me screaming how badly I needed sex now, the craving spinning my already drunk mind.

“Obviously not good enough.”

“Takes a lot for me.”Shut up, Kat. Shut up. “I’m not like other fae. It takes the edge off, but…”

“But no one has made you come so hard you blacked out?”

“No, I’m too busy robbing them.”

“If you can even move after, they weren’t doing it right.”

My nipples hardened under my damp shirt,his shirt, arousal curling my hands as if I wanted to shift again.

“Let’s not talk about this.”

He shrugged, wiggling down further onto the pillow. “You asked first.”

“Well, now I’m asking you to shut up and go to sleep.”

He grinned, loving that he was needling me.

“Just letting you know.” He nodded down at his trousers. “I don’t sleep with clothes on.”

I slanted my head, needing to get back on even terrain, my expression derisive.

“Me neither.”

Chapter 16