Page 28 of Silver Tongue Devil

“Here.” He shoved the water between the bars into my hands. I purposely ran my fingers over his, locking eyes with him. In this world, you had to learn everyone’s weakness. Money, power, sex, ego, love. It was usually the same few. And Vane’s dick was his.

Men were men, fae or human, and you had to work with what you had.

Casually my eyes drifted over to the keys hanging from his belt, the ones that would free me from this cell. If I gained his trust, or at least his lust, and got close enough to him, I could use that.

“Thank you.” I took the bottle, staring him down, letting a low vibration come up the back of my throat.

He transferred his weight to his other leg, cupping his pants and adjusting himself. I don’t think he realized his response was probably in direct correlation to my purr. At different frequencies, it could calm, attract, frighten, and heal.

“I’ll bring you something to eat later.” He cleared his throat, his attention heavy on the bare parts of my skin. “And later you can show me your kitty again.” He winked, leaving no mistake at which one he meant.

I fought hard not to roll my eyes again. The sexual puns about my “kitty” were endless and never original.

Puss in Boots was supposed to be an insult, which was exactly why I took it on as my moniker. I wanted to claim it, take it back, own the rights to it. To give it a different association. To not let them have the power, belittling me as a pirate.

I made sure anyone overheard trying to disrespect me either dealt with me or had a run-in with Ty and Cane. Unless I decided it, none made it out alive.

My title came with respect and fear now, and only the ignorant or the foolish slighted me.

Only someone as arrogant as Croygen would underestimate me.

Sitting down in the middle of the cell, the only thing I could do was think.

Plan my escape…

Plot my revenge.

The rocking of the ship fluttered my lids closed, and the creaking of the wood surrounding me hushed me to sleep like a lullaby.

My stomach rumbled as I curled up into a ball. My bladder ached, and fatigue from the goblin metal made it hard to stay coherent.

Hours had passed since Vane had left. The silence above told me most of the crew had likely gone to sleep, casting a peacefulness over the ship. By the temper of the sea under me, it was a calm, windless night, allowing the schooner to drift quietly through the darkness.

I was trying to stay awake, to have my wits about me, ready to act out my plan if given the chance. Every pirate ship had a dinghy. A small boat used to run to and from land when the ship couldn’t get close enough. That would be my escape plan once I killed Croygen. I’d keep to the shallow waters, far out of their reach. There was a vast probability that his crew would come for me, but they would have to find me first, and if they challenged me later, I would fight them too. My plan was to silently take Croygen’s life, slip away into the night, and be long gone before anybody woke. All this hinged on someone coming down here, giving me the opportunity to escape.

As if I summoned him, my ears picked up on the vibration of boots, the tapping of feet hitting stairs. I jolted up, rising to my feet as a figure came down the stairs.

“Bella.” Vane grinned at me, holding a plate of food and more water. “Did you think I forgot about you?”

“I didn’t know youcouldthink.” I purred through my sharp tongue. It was hard for me to play the damsel. I never did it well, which was one reason I was punished more often than not at the boarding school.

Vane’s smile widened, his gaze dancing around me, strolling up to the bars. “Showing me your claws already,gata?”Cat.

“Thought that’s what you wanted?” I tilted my head, keeping my voice low and flirty.

Vane scoffed, his gaze swinging back to me, just as playful.

The food in his hand caused my stomach to growl loudly.

“Bet you are hungry.”

“And I really have to pee,” I replied. “Lack of food, water, bathroom breaks, even a blanket. I can’t say you guys will get high ratings from me. My stay here has been less than satisfactory.”

“Guess you will have to take it up with management.”

“I plan to.” Far more than he thought.

Vane held up the plate of food next to the bars, suggesting I push through and take it. Anxiety prickled at the back of my neck. I needed him to open the cage. That was my only way out of here.