Page 11 of Silver Tongue Devil

Amara had found me when I was at my worst. I had recently lost my ship, my crew, and my reputation. Everything I had known was gone. She had made me believe I was everything I thought I lacked at that time. I fell for her hook, line, and sinker, trailing her and her lover, Ryker, constantly being her whipping boy in all her schemes. It wasn’t until I met Zoey that I started to see clearly. Though Ryker and Zoey were meant to be together, I think I fell in love with Zoey too. At least I fell in love with her friendship, with finding a home, a place where I belonged. For the first time, I truly felt like I had a family with Zoey, Ryker, Annabeth, Wyatt, and even that furball, Sprig.

But it was Lexie who seeded hope in my soul I hadn’t possessed in a long time.

Lexie was Zoey’s younger foster sister. I met her when she was twelve. She had been through devastating tragedy and loss far beyond her years. My little card shark was feisty and bold. But of course, she was a child. I was protective of her and wanted to keep her safe. I never thought of her as more than that. But over the years, her gaze lingered on me, her teasing got more nuanced, her smile more sensual. Lexie grew into a stunning young woman. I fought it for a long time, but against my will, I started to look at her differently. She was fearless and brave.

For a moment, I believed I could be a good man.

Then I lost everything.


All the stars in the sky went out. Life held no more joy or wonder. And being around everyone made me feel trapped. Locked in a cage I couldn’t see out of. The only thing I longed for, the only thing putting oxygen in my lungs, was getting back to the sea. Being as far away from that life on land as possible.

Zoey, with her powers, still had a way of finding me, jumping in and checking in every few months, but no amount of pleas turned me around. And after a while she stopped trying, letting me be.

A pirate was not meant to be landlocked. Ourfirstlove was the ocean, and I made a vow that would be the only love I would ever have.

“Well, if it isn’t the infamous Silver Tongue.” A huge, blubbery man with bristle-like whiskers stumbled up to our table, drunk. His tusk-like teeth revealed he was a walrus-shifter. “Didn’t think you were still around. Funny, I thought you were supposed to be the most revered pirate at one time. How the mighty have fallen.”

“I’d shut your trap,Wally,” Scot sneered, setting down his cup. “Awa’ an bile yer heid.”Get lost.

“You’re no longer the king out there,” the man slurred, motioning to the docks. “You’re nothing. Someone else has your title now.”

I can’t say my reentry had been smooth. Things had changed a lot since I left, and though piracy had somewhat returned to the Golden Era because of the fall of the fae wall, it still was a modern version. It took me a while to find a crew, regain my sea legs, and start getting my name out there again. To start reminding people why I was once revered.

“Shut. Up.” Scot’s muscles tensed, his broad shoulders puffing up.

“It’s fine.” My voice was smooth. The man looked too drunk to pick up on the tightness in my vocal cords. “He has a right to speak freely.” I had a casualness about me that put people at ease. Little did they know that was when I struck. “So, who’s the man daring to take my title?”

There was only room for a few of us at the top, and I had to ensure my return was known among us thieves.

Wally let out a laugh, sounding like a strange knocking noise. “Oh, you have been gone a while.”

My hand gripped tighter around my glass, anger bubbling up my spine. His claim made me feel stupid and out of the loop. Not a sentiment I enjoyed.

The man wobbled, leaning closer, curling his fat fingers for me to do the same, as if he was sharing a secret.

“Captain PIB might have two huge guard dogs around all the time, but she’ll cut your throat with the heel of her boot before you can even blink.”

Scot tipped back in slight surprise. We weren’t sexist; it simply wasn’t common for a woman to get into this business. There had been a handful throughout history; most were far superior pirates, but today it was still male-dominated.

Wally glanced over his shoulder, like even speaking would manifest this woman.

“She’s ruthless. Most who challenge her have either lost their ship and treasure or did not come back alive.” He spat as he talked about this woman. “She’s supposed to be as beautiful as she is deadly, and I’ve heard even her prisoners beg to be in her bed. That her pussy is so magical, they plead for her to take whatever she wants as she fucks them.”

Shifting in my seat, a prickle of resentment burned up the back of my throat. That used to be my MO. I could seduce and talk any woman out of her panties. Queens to nuns, duchesses to bar wenches, and everyone in between. The wealthy noble women, bored with their husbands, were the easiest and the most profitable back then. Many would follow me back to the boat, addicted to the high I gave them, wanting to run away with me.

Sex wasn’t just sex with me. It was an experience.

Not that I had gotten back to my ways in that area yet. I still felt dead inside, a shell of the man who used to fuck like it was a sport. And won every time. Sex was a game to the wealthy. Chess. The women weren’t idiots; they understood what my play was, and I think they got off on the forbidden by hurting their cheating husbands—at least in their pocketbooks.

I hadn’t become celibate by any means, but it was more transactional now. I didn’t find much joy in it past the immediate release.

“Why do they call her PIB?” He wiped at his long whiskers, sprouting out like a weedy mustache.

“PIB?” Scot chuckled under his breath. “Yeah, sounds really scary.”

“P-I-B,” the man spelled out.