
Petite-boned and only five feet four inches, I was usually waved off as nothing of consequence unless they wanted something pretty to fuck. Half Polynesian and half German, my looks got a lot of attention. I was a feather in the cap of any man who lay with me, and they patted themselves on the back.

This man was no different. Human men didn’t see me as any threat.


They had no idea the prettiest things out there were the most dangerous. I was not their prey; they weremine.

“When I saw you, so young and beautiful”—his mouth moved back over mine—“I had to bed you.” He breathed me in, the kiss turning needy, licking a spark of desire through my blood again. I never seemed to be satisfied. Never quenched, no matter how many lovers I had.

My slight frame, oval face, and flawless skin suggested I was young, maybe early twenties, which made the manyoldmen I had after me kind of disgusting. Little did they know I was far older than all of them combined, and eras from now, I wouldn’t look any different.

“I wanted you too.” I kissed him back, feeding his ego. His chest heaved with gratification, the pheromones casting over him, bleeding into his veins, the high from his intense release drowning him in blissful fatigue. It was overwhelming for humans.

I wasn’t lying. I wanted him… but not for what he thought.

The sex was a bonus.

He walked into the club dressed in the finest suit, his chest puffed and arrogant. He was handsome, with soft, unworked hands and glossy hair. The foreign accent and gold watch around his wrist screamed wealth, begging for every con artist in the place to set their sights on him.

He was the kind who couldn’t see past his own entitlement and superiority, thinking he was the only one in this part of the country making shady deals, never believing someone like me would be anything but tripping over myself to be noticed by him.

He was very good-looking, with dark, wavy hair, umber skin, and dark eyes, but the constant smirk on his mouth was twisted and told me he knew it.

He was nothing more than a job.

He exhaled again, his lids sliding closed. My lips feathered over his as he sank into slumber, a smile curving his mouth.

“Sweet dreams,” I whispered, peering down at the beautiful man. We hadn’t bothered to learn each other’s names. Not that he would have gotten the truth from me. He had been more fun than I thought, but after so long, my bar wasn’t very high.

Waiting one more beat to make sure he was fully asleep, I slid off him, scrambling off the bed. I pulled on my knickers and top, ready to pretend I was returning from the toilet if he happened to stir. But in my experience, they didn’t wake up until long after I was gone.

My eyes darted around the room. The hotel he was staying at fit his stature, catering to wealthy patrons who wanted to stay anonymous. The space was decorated in rich colors, dark teak woods, and expensive local silks. Indonesia was teeming with people like him, exploiting the black market as piracy multiplied hourly in this area. Though, I missed the good old days of true piracy.

Slipping out the lock picks from my pants pocket, I snuck to the closet. I knew there would be a lockbox in the cabinet. He wasn’t so wealthy to have the hotel hold his possessions in a private vault. He’d trust his items would be safe near him.

The wood door creaked open and snapped back as he stirred. My heart thumped against my chest. He rolled onto his side, facing my direction, then he sighed contently, snuggling into the pillow.

Air exited my nose, and my stomach coiled up like a snake. Pinning my focus back on the box, my fingers pinched the lock picks, sliding them into the keyhole. Human-made safes were pathetically easy to crack.

After I twisted and clicked a pick into place, the lock popped open. My chest fluttered with excitement as the door swung open. The thrill never got old.

“Fuck. Yes,” I muttered, a huge smile curling my lips. I spied stacks of bills, women’s jeweled rings, and a necklace dripping with diamonds.

This could set my crew for months.

A creak sounded behind me—the hotel room door opening.

“Oh darling, I had to come back early from the spa retreat. Nadine was making me positively craz—” An English accent hit my ears as the woman stepped into the room, stopping dead in her tracks. Beautiful and young, her ring finger was decorated with an expensive gold band and diamond ring, making me groan inwardly.

Fucking bastard was married.

Her eyes widened with horror as her gaze went from my barely dressed form to the naked man in bed and back to me.

“What is going on?” she screeched.

The man jolted awake in confusion, floundering, peering around, trying to figure out what was happening.