Page 14 of Silver Tongue Devil

Something still nettled me, but I pushed on, glancing at my second-in-command. Gage had been with me from the beginning, stepping into Killian’s place when he left. Boisterous, touchy, flirty, a pain in the ass, and beyond arrogant. But he was also smart, quick on his feet, and could steer a ship out of the tightest situations. He had my back, never showing his doubt in front of the crew, even if he didn’t agree with my decisions.

“Everyone in place?”

“Zuri and Moses are in position.” Gage nodded. Zuri was Swahili and Dutch, giving her an appearance as unique as mine. As an earth fairy, she had a connection to the land like no other, able to track and feel vibrations through the soil. Out on the water, she could sense land days before any of us saw it on the horizon.

Moses was an Egyptian water fairy. These two were my yin and yang, working together but also at each other’s throats all the time. They treated each other like brother and sister, their tempers always flaring.

“Polly and Dobbs are set to come around the back,” Gage confirmed. “I will join them.”


“I put Ruby on lookout duty. If anything looks off, she will warn us. The rest are ready at our signal.”

I hated little Ruby being anywhere near this, but she was not staying back. The girl might be twelve, but she had been through more than most. She suffered untold loss and hardships before I found her half-starved on the streets.

Something about her fierce nature reminded me of Killian at the same age. That was why I brought her on the ship and made her part of the crew like Croygen had with Killian.

My lip lifted in a snarl. I would not allow myself any positive thoughts of the man who destroyed my life.

I gave the skyline one more glance. Tonight could be the night I went down in history, stealing a fortune no one could even fathom in this day and age.

“Okay, let’s go.”

Gage nodded, tension in his face. He was nervous—and rightfully so. Emperor Batara was known for his sadistic ways. He didn’t just kill. He made criminals an example, torturing them in the slowest, nastiest way possible in the city square. He ruled with an iron fist, and one of the human leaders who thrived in this new world because there was no freedom here anymore.

Those who visited him were forced to bestow riches on a man who already owned the entire country. He did not understand or care about the poverty and devastation right outside his palace walls. He barely ever ventured out.

It was a risk, but I didn’t get to be a revered pirate for not taking chances. And this was a gold mine.

I peered over at the twins, who were never far away from me, giving them a nod. They instantly moved out and offThe Revenge, sniffing at the air, their weapons loaded, ready to fight or protect me at any cost. The dog-shifters were both at least six feet, three inches, with beefed-up physiques, dark-brown mohawks, and covered in tattoos, piercings, and scars.

Sexy, but fucking frightening too. And their bite was far worse than their bark. They didn’t talk much, but when they did, their howls had grown men pissing themselves.

Typhoon and Hurricane—Ty and Cane—were pit bull-shifters, but they also had some German shepherd in their genes, which made them superb fighters and protectors. I had “saved” them from a trading ship, which carried rare fae to be put into underground fighting rings. They had been starved, beaten, and abused.

The pirate carrying that cargo was a nasty piece of shit. No one seemed to be able to bring him down, even the deadly Somali pirates. Until me. I relieved him of his duties, his cargo, and his life.

After that, Ty and Cane pledged their alliance to me. They were fierce, deadly, threatening, and utterly faithful to me. Just the sight of them had people running away. And with so many out to get me now, they were a great asset.

Following behind the twins, I debarked, sneaking up the pier to Singapore’s dark and dingy streets. The boys slipped into the alleys, taking lead while Gage took the rear, keeping me in the middle. The four of us glided effortlessly through the darkness, unseen. Tonight was a risky mission. The foreign rulers were always well guarded as their caravan would be burdened with money, jewels, and art, as well as gadgets from the West.

President Tanvik was supposed to be carrying a rare diamond. The worth would set up my crew and their families for the rest of our lives and turn us into living legends. We hoped to relieve him of this heavy burden before they reached the gates.

My tall lace-up boots moved quietly across the pavement, my long leather jacket flowing behind me. Both were prized possessions because one reminded me what this all was for, and the other kept me on the path toward it.

A neigh from a horse and the creak of carriage wheels clattered down the alley to us, letting me know how close they were. When cars became useless metal scraps after the barrier fell, we reverted to horses and buggies. Trains didn’t even work. I heard the king of the Western Hemisphere was working on getting transportation up and running in his country, but we were in the Dark Ages here, making it a haven for thieves.

Ty peered out of the alley, giving his brother a look before he darted across the lane to the other side. Cane moved one alley over from his, and Gage was down a few from us, spreading us around the approaching caravan in a circle, closing them in from all sides.

Down the dim lane, the two carriages were surrounded by guards. With what Tanvik was carrying—such a renowned jewel—you’d think he’d have his entire military. Maybe he thought he was untouchable or that it was better to slip under the radar, not gaining as much notice, but my intuition prickled at the back of my neck.

“It will never steer you wrong if you learn to trust it. Hone it.”A voice whispered from deep in my memories, causing me to shake my head, resentment and anger taking its place.

The prize at the end of this was too much to turn away from becauseIwas the one being paranoid.

The clicks of horseshoes drew near, and the thrill of our ambush hummed magic under my skin. The adrenaline always triggered my need to shift, but I learned to restrain myself over the years. The humiliation of that day when I was young still echoed through me. Scarred me. I was now so in control of my feline side that I never shifted unless I determined it so.

Anticipation hung in the air, the twins waiting for my signal. One nod from me and there would be no turning back.