Page 109 of Silver Tongue Devil

“Yes.” My words and body were no longer my own; something beyond was controlling me. Like it understood far more than I did.

He grabbed my chin, turning my face to him while his hips curved into me, running his thick erection through me, the tip hinting at my entrance. “How bad do you want it, Kitty-Kat?”

I could feel the game, the sudden need to be in power. Little did he know, I was even better at this. Dropping men, human or fae, to their knees, begging for more.

With a snarl, I rolled my hips back, forcing him slightly deeper, squeezing my heat around him, my magic.

A strangled cry came from his throat, his legs dipping, his grip on me loosening. His eyes lifted, flaming with fire, meeting mine. A slow smile curved my face. “How bad doyouwant it, tradesman?”

I could feel the switch, the violence in the air, the blade we were about to fall on.

Croygen’s jaw clenched, his hand running up the back of my head, gripping my hair roughly, yanking back at the same time he thrust into me brutally.

A scream stuck in my throat, electricity charging through me. I gasped in pain as his size shredded me in half. One side was agony, the other implausible pleasure.

“Fuuccckkk!” Croygen bellowed, huffing as he pulled out, pushing in even deeper this time.

“Oh, gods!” I clawed at the saddle, my nails ripping into it, trying to grapple for air. My body shook, magic exploding through me like I was being electrocuted. He stretched me, filling me to the point I lost all humanity. I no longer understood sympathy or kindness.

Untamed and feral.

“Fuck, fuck…” Croygen pulled on my hair harder, his body curving over mine like he no longer had the strength to fully stand up, pushing his cock deeper with severe strokes. “I need to fuck you deeper. To feel my cock inside you for decades to come.” He growled, his fingers digging into my hip, pounding harder. “To know it’s mine.”

My legs widened at his words, craving that more than air, pushing back into him with the same brutal energy.

“Shit. Katrina,” he hissed. “Gods… nothing has felt like this.”

I had to agree. We were bothwellexperienced with sex, thousands of years with thousands of partners. Sometimes it was good, other times amazing, but nothing had ever felt like this.

There was no close enough because I needed to crawl inside him, to feel his raw pleasure rub and stroke against mine, to have him mark me so deeply, I could feel it burning into my bones. To have his insignia glowing from under my skin.

The sensation was overwhelming, my actions out of my control.

His cock slipped out of me when I whirled around, my legs hooking around his calf, pushing him down. He dropped into the hay with a huff. I gave him no time to respond. Straddling his hips, I plunged down on him, watching him enter me, spearing me deeply.

“Fuck!” he bellowed as my own cry howled out, my claws raking down his chest. Croygen grabbed my hips, pushing up into me, his eyes rolling back. “Fuck the gods!” he groaned, a vehement need straining his features, his dark eyes flashing with magic.

He slammed up into me. A deep yowl came from me, pitching the air loudly, my body freezing with the abundance of sensations.What the fuck?I had never heard myself make that sound before. Ever. Nor had I even felt like every neuron in my body was being electrocuted.

Electric currents tore through my muscles, my spine curving as I rode the fuck out of him. My nails turned more into cat claws, and I scraped them deep into his chest, like I wanted to mark his skin with my own tattoos. He hissed as blood pooled from them, growing harder inside me.

I leaned over, my rough tongue lapping at the blood. The healing magic trailed over the cuts, and I kissed the skull and crossbones tattoo on his chest.

He reached up, dragging his thumb across my bottom lip, picking up the smear of blood left there. My mouth wrapped around his finger, sucking it hard, tasting more of his blood on my tongue.

His nose flared as he let out a low growl.

That was my only warning.

A snarl lifted his lip, and he tossed me onto my back into the hay, his body moving between my legs, spreading me wider. He grabbed my wrists with one hand, stretching them over my head. “Want me to draw blood too?” he growled. He drove back into me, hitting so deep he pushed me up, the hay scraping my back. “I can make you bleed.” He lost all inhibitions, fucking me so violently I couldn’t do anything but let him have full command of my body.

“Oh, gods… more!” I reveled in the sound of him railing me, our pleasure resonating off the barn walls, the smell of hay and horses. I had never felt so out of control and so alive.

He grunted, his mouth sucking at my bouncing tits. Letting go of my wrists, he reached down with one hand, rubbing my clit as his other hand wrapped around my throat, the same thumb I sucked pressing into my airways.

It was like I had been hooked up to a battery, the charge frying through my body. A strange sensation, as if for a second, I could feel him, had gotten inside him, feeling his own pleasure, his soul brushing against mine, adding to the intensity.

It broke me into pieces.