“Might want to brush your hair first.”

“Oh my God. You’re such a jerk.” I shoved at him, trying in vain to get him back on his side of the wall so I could slam the door in his face and never open it again.

“Meet you down there then,” he said before closinghisdoor first.

I stood there like a fool, staring at it, stewing.

I hated River Santos and his stupid cologne.



Sky exited the elevator shortly after I did, hair brushed to fucking perfection. It looked as soft as silk, and I knew that what I’d said bothered her. Good. I liked knowing I got a rise out of her. It seemed only fair when all she seemed to do was ruffle my feathers whenever we crossed paths.

“Sky.” Chad waved an arm in the air, gaining her attention.

When she neared, he stood up and pulled out a barstool for her.

Her eyes met mine, the fire still brewing behind them. “A gentleman? How rare,” she said, looking right at me as she spoke the words.

Gentleman, my ass.

Chad just wanted to fuck her so he could say he did. Especially now that he knew I hadn’t. I should have lied and told him we’d hooked up before. Maybe then he wouldn’t be so hell-bent on having her.

“Okay, the bartender’s name is Raul. He’s a sweetheart. Has no plans on closing anytime soon and said the kitchen’s still open,” Carmella said as she handed both me and Sky a menu.

“Making friends already, Carm?” I opened mine and started perusing the main courses.

She shrugged. “I like meeting new people. Especially when I’m not serving them.”

“Amen to that,” Sky added with an enthusiastic nod, her eyes glued to the menu.

The two of them had to deal with the passenger’s way more than I ever did. The most interaction I had was greeting them and making an announcement or two. I wasn’t the one they treated like a glorified hostess in the sky, like my sole purpose was to serve. Flight attendants were on board for safety purposes, not drink-serving ones.

“I wouldn’t trade places with you girls for anything,” I said right as Raul appeared, looking a little tired, but still smiling through it.

“Evening. Can I get you all something to drink?” His eyes roved around the four of us as he waited for our response.

I actually wasn’t a big drinker. A beer or two was one thing, but getting full-on hammered usually left me feeling pretty shitty. And no matter how hard I hit the gym after to rid myself of the toxins, it never quite worked. I still felt like ass for a whole day while my body tried to recover. It wasn’t worth it.

“I’ll take a local beer,” I said, and Raul nodded before I added, “Not an IPA.”

“Gotcha,” he said with a grin and an approving nod.

I listened as Chad ordered a double vodka with a splash of soda and a lime, and Carmella and Sky each ordered a glass of red wine. It looked like Chad would be the only one drunk tonight if he kept that drink order up. Better him than me. Raul disappeared before showing back up crazy fast, balancing our four drinks on a tray as he handed them out.

“Would you like to order food? I’m not sure how long the kitchen will stay open, so I’d get an order in sooner rather than later.”

We all ordered meals like we weren’t sure when we’d get the chance to eat again, and it made me laugh, just listening to the amount of food. Sky ordered a whole pizza for herself, and I shot her a look.

“What? I can bring the leftovers back to my room and eat them for breakfast,” she explained.

“Cold or reheated?” I asked because there was only one correct answer.

“Cold. Reheated is nasty,” she said, making a face, and I gave her a thumbs-up.

“No,” Chad interjected. “Cold pizza is disgusting.”