I mean, she wasn’t necessarily wrong, but I didn’t feel like admitting that to her anytime soon.

“What part are you from?”

“Sarasota,” she said, and now, it was my turn to judge.

“And it suddenly makes so much sense,” I said, mocking her.

“Really?” she said sarcastically, but I was dead serious.

“Yeah. You’re stuck-up and a brat. I bet you have a yacht,” I said, and Chad laughed while Carmella sucked in a breath so quickly that it made a squeaking sound.

“Do you have a yacht?” Carmella asked, her voice filled with surprise.

“I do not have a yacht,” Sky yelled as she narrowed her eyes at me. “And I’m not stuck-up. I just don’t like you.”

“Oh, sorry.” I lifted one hand in the air. “I meant, your daddy has a yacht.”

I was being an asshole, but it seemed fair. She had made so many judgments about me based on where I’d come from, so I wanted to do the same. Plus, it wasn’t my fault that I was right.

“My dad’s dead,” Sky said.

Carmella inhaled another breath that squeaked before mumbling some words that sounded like a quick prayer and apology on my behalf.

“Nice job,” Chad whispered as he leaned toward me.

My heart sank. “Hey, I’m sorry, Sky. I didn’t know.”

She waved me off. “It’s fine. But my family doesn’t have a yacht.”

“Mine does.” Chad shrugged as Raul deposited another drink in front of him, and we all laughed.

Of course this guy had a freaking yacht. I should have put it together that his arrogant, entitled ass was loaded, but I hadn’t.

I glanced across the table at Sky and realized that she was watching Chad, curiosity in her eyes. Maybe she liked her guys rich… and short. Chad was both of those things. I was neither of them.

“I was going to see if the trains were running.” Chad motioned toward Carmella, and she reached for her phone and started typing frantically.

“That would be ideal. I didn’t even think about that,” she breathed out as she continued tapping.

“What are you guys talking about?” Sky asked, thankful to be immersed in a new topic. “Amtrak?”

“If the trains are running, we could get home. Or at least pretty damn close to it,” Chad said.

“But the airport’s closed for at least two days.” Sky was clearly confused, and I understood why. Logically, it made sense that if a runway couldn’t open for planes, then train tracks should be closed as well. “That’s what you said, right, River?”

“Trains are different. Crews can plow the snow from the tracks if it’s too high, and then they attach a plow to the front of the engine for light clearing. If they can get the snow off the tracks safely, the train can still run. It just sometimes goes a lot slower than normal, but it still goes,” I explained to her, and her mouth formed an O.

I waited for her to call me out, question all the things I had just told her, like she usually did, but she didn’t. She just sat there, staring at Chad like he was the most fascinating thing in the hotel bar, and I had no idea why. He didn’t seem like her type.

I didn’t like what I was witnessing one bit, and I was about to fucking lose it.



Icouldn’t stop staring atChad from the Hamptons. There was something so familiar about him, and I couldn’t place it. But now that I was sure I knew him from somewhere, I couldn’t stop myself from watching his mannerisms and facial expressions.

Each time I stopped my quiet sleuthing and glanced at River, he was glaring at me. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, but he wouldn’t look away. He sat there, analyzing me, while I did the same to someone else. Only River didn’t look at all happy about it. My cell phone pinged out a notification, and I glanced down to see that someone had commented on one of my latest videos online.