I leaned down to kiss her before easing out and lying down next to her warm body.

She propped herself up on one arm and ran a hand down my chest before pressing a kiss there. “When can we do it again?”



River and I had sex three more times before we even attempted to get dressed and leave our hotel room. By that point, I was starving, and all the leftover pizza was long gone.

“I need food,” I complained.

“That’s why we’re going downstairs,” he said as he fixed his hair to perfection. Of course.

There was a knock on my door, and I hesitated for a second before pulling it open. Stacy stood there with her arms folded across her chest, a concerned look on her face. I noticed her carry-on bag next to her.

“Carmella and Chad are back. The trains were canceled.”

The storm. I figured it was still raging outside, but I’d been too distracted to even think about it. Or care, to be honest.

“So, they need their rooms back?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

“You can have mine.” River appeared at my side, holding out a key card toward Stacy.

“You sure?”

“Trust me. Between our two rooms, this is not the one you want,” he said, and I watched as she surveyed the space, noting the discarded pieces of clothing lying haphazardly all over the place.

She wrinkled her nose. “River’s room it is! Thanks.”

“Let me get my stuff out,” he said before disappearing through the adjoining door.

Stacy pushed her way inside. “It smells like sex in here.”

I wasn’t sure what to say, so I said nothing. What if she wasn’t okay with my dating River now that it was in her face?

“You’re not mad, right?” I decided to ask.

Her face quickly morphed into an apologetic expression as her head shook. “No. Not at all. I’m sorry I told you he was a bad person.”

I shrugged. “It’s okay. I mean, he is a pilot. And he did come off like a dick,” I said with a light giggle.

“And now, he’s your dick,” she said, and my laughter grew louder.

Her words swam in my head before settling there. River, this man I’d hated for so long, was suddenly something else entirely. He was no longer my enemy. And I could picture him becoming my everything with time.

“It’s crazy. I never would have thought—”

“Never would have thought what, babe?” River was back, all of his things in his arms. He dumped them on top of the bed, where we’d just had sex not that long ago, before bringing his toiletries into the bathroom, where we’d had sex in the shower before Stacy knocked on the door.

“That we’d ever get together,” I said before he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck.

“Me neither.”

“Okay, you two are gross. Thanks for the room,” Stacy said before walking through the adjoining door. “I’ll be locking my side.”

Twenty minutes later, the three of us were riding the elevator down toward the bar for a classic American Thanksgiving meal.

I’d talked to my mom right before, and to my surprise, she hadn’t made me feel guilty about not being able to get home. I thought River had had something to do with that.