“That’s too bad,” he groaned, and I felt like I’d won. “Then again, he’s not here, and I am.”

“Not sure she’s the type,” I said, meaning that Sky wasn’t the kind of girl to cheat when her made-up man wasn’t around.

“They’re all the type,” Chad said with a wink, and I felt my lips turn up into a snarl.

“Not all of them,” I said through gritted teeth. And not because he was making an insinuation about the entire female staff, but because he was making it about Sky. And for some reason, it pissed me the hell off. Apparently, I was the only one allowed to disrespect her.


“You mean to tell me you haven’t bagged her? The great Captain Santos has left some for the rest of us?”

I wanted to tell him that I’d had her more times than I could count, but I didn’t want to lie about something like that. “She’s not my type.”

He let out a howl before slapping me on the shoulder. “You’re joking. You know what they say about redheads, right?”

“Yeah, that they’re all psycho.”

Chad made a face before adding, “Yeah, they do say that. But they also say that they’re wild in the sack, man. Best sex you’ll ever have is with a redhead.”

“And then they’ll burn your house down after doing it.”

“Worth it,” he said.

I realized that I was starting to sweat; I was getting so amped up.

This guy was going to be a problem.

When we stepped out of the jet bridge and into the terminal, it was like a ghost town. All of the restaurants and stores were closed, and only a handful of people were still inside, sleeping on the ground, using their balled-up sweatshirts as pillows. It was going to be a long few days for them if they stayed here the whole time.

Then again, where were people supposed to go when all the hotels were sold out and the rental agencies were out of cars? Options became extremely limited during a storm like this. Sometimes, staying put was the safest choice even if it felt like the most inconvenient and uncomfortable one at the time.

“How long did they say the airport was closing for?” Sky stopped walking and directed her question at both me and Chad, her green eyes volleying between us.

I answered before he could, “At least two days.”

“So, we’re stuck here?”

“Happy Thanksgiving to us,” Carmella added with a frown, and I knew then that she had planned on spending the holiday with her family back in New York.

I forgot that people did things like that—actually requested holidays off to be with their loved ones. I was so used to not being around relatives on those days, what with the busy travel schedule and bonus pay, that it slipped my mind that others might not feel the same way.

Glancing at Sky, I realized that she looked a little sad. Maybe she did have a boyfriend I didn’t know about.

“Did you have plans?” I asked her sincerely, actually trying to be nice for once.

I felt a little bad that she’d be missing out on them.

“Why? Did you want to ruin them?”

And just like that, I didn’t feel bad anymore.



Ihad intended to give River a nice and normal response, but my brain had other ideas. It was as though once Stacy had warned me about the kind of man River was, I couldn’t see him any other way. And all the things I’d heard about him since hadn’t helped. He slept around, but didn’t get serious with anyone. River fit the mold of a playboy pilot to a T. Hell, he’d probably been the one they made the mold after.

In my mind, River had somehow morphed into every guy I’d crossed paths with during my college years. The kind who lied to get what they wanted from a girl and manipulated her into thinking she was special when she wasn’t. I’d fallen for the act more times than I could count back then, hating myself each and every time after. I refused to fall for it at this stage of my life. I knew they always said that men matured slower than women, but I was starting to think that some didn’t mature at all.