“That mouth is going to get you in trouble one of these days.” I gave her a nod before my eyes locked on to her lips and held. I imagined them wrapped around my cock. Hate sucking me right here in the middle of the terminal.

“Doubtful.” She gave me a fake smile.

I refocused my attention away from Sky and back toward the flight I was about to pilot. Before stepping inside the plane, I tapped the top of it three times and once on each side of the doorway. It was tradition. Or superstition. Whatever you called it, I never flew without doing it.

“That makes me feelverysecure,” Sky mumbled from behind me, obviously judging.

“Don’t you have a job to do?” I snapped, practically biting her head off, and I could tell that my response shocked her.

She walked away from me without saying another word.

When I headed into the cockpit, the first thing I noticed was how bad the weather was getting. The snow started falling harder, and the winds had definitely picked up, blowing the flakes at a harsh angle. If we were cleared to take off, no doubt we were going to be one of the last planes before they called it for the night.

Poking my head into the galley, I spotted Carmella and waved her over. “Let’s get everyone on as quickly as possible so we can get out of here.”

“That bad?” she asked.

“It’s getting there,” I answered honestly.

“Are you nervous?”

I grinned. “Me? Nah. It’s just a little snow.”

It wasn’t a lie. We had a de-icing system that made the weather less of a challenge and helped keep us safe. The main issue when it came to a storm like this was visibility. And right now, I could still see. But that could change at any moment.

“What does make you nervous, Captain Santos?”

“Lightning,” I answered without hesitation.

Lightning was a bitch. It was unpredictable and caused severe damage without any warning. Controls fried. Things blew apart. Fires started. Hands down, that was the scariest weather to navigate.

“Oh, me too,” Carmella agreed before shuddering.

“Let’s get those passengers safely on board and get up in the air.”

“You got it.” She saluted, and I laughed.

We landed safely and just in time. As I had suspected, the airports in the area all started closing down, including the one we’d just flown out of. There was a blizzard blanketing the area, set to drop something like three feet of snow in twelve hours and not stopping for days. That was a lot of snow.

The visibility on the runway was almost at zero already. Sure, we had equipment to help us navigate once we were up in the air, but it wasn’t safe to land or take off in these kinds of conditions. Safety was, after all, our first priority. Much to the passengers’ chagrin. I understood their frustrations when it came to weather delays and cancellations, but it simply wasn’t worth the risk.

No flight was worth dying over.

I grabbed my rollaboard from behind my seat and handed Chad his as I opened the cockpit door.

“That was gnarly,” he said as we waited for the flight attendants to exit the aircraft before we got off ourselves.

I was always the last one to leave, and I walked up and down the aisles one last time to make sure no one was still on board. They never were, but I still liked to check. Another superstition, I guessed.

“What do you know about her?” Chad gave a nod in Sky’s direction, and I felt my jealous nature start to rise even though he was almost a foot shorter than I was. Not that it meant a damn thing, but I was competitive and a dick sometimes and enjoyed the fact that I towered over him.

“She’s mean,” I said, hoping to steer him away from her.

He laughed. “Mean I can handle. Is she single?”

I shrugged. “Not sure. I think I heard her talking about a boyfriend and them taking a trip to Hawaii not that long ago,” I lied through my teeth.

Sky was one hundred percent single, and I knew it. I stalked her social media whenever I got bored or needed some hate spank material and had yet to see her with a guy who stuck around for longer than three posts. Her stories were filled with places she had flown to, and she was always with other people on the crew, never with anyone romantically. I’d even gone so far as to watch her stories online even though I knew she’d be able to see that I had. Figured I’d own up to it if she called me out on it, which she hadn’t done so far.