My mouth fell open with his words, and I watched him walk to the adjoining door, unlock my side, and disappear through it. At some point, he’d opened his. I had no idea when, and I definitely hadn’t heard him do it.

I speed-walked to the one on my side and closed it, but didn’t set the lock. If he tried, he’d figure out that he could get through it.

I needed to think about what I’d just done and the line that I’d crossed.

Neither one of us was going to take what had just happened back. If anything, we were going to move forward.

River wasn’t the villain I’d always believed him to be.

How the hell was I going to tell Stacy without her hating me for it?

I woke up and immediately remembered what I’d done with River. Burying my head in my pillow, I felt myself grinning, the excitement blossoming inside of me before I shut it down, a pit forming in my stomach instead.

Stacy still had feelings for River.

And I had not only let him kiss me, but I’d kissed him back.

Did that make me a bad friend?


No, it definitely did.

Grabbing the covers and holding them tight, I blew out a breath, trying to figure out exactly what to do. Maybe I’d ask Carmella for advice. She was older and generally wiser even though she hadn’t exactly been helpful in the bar last night, egging Chad on with her nonstop laughter.

Ugh.Speaking of Chad, he’d ruined everything.

I wasn’t sure how I’d handle seeing him today or how I’d feel when I did. What if he wasn’t sorry or tried to hit on me all over again? River wouldn’t be so forgiving if that happened. I hated being uncomfortable, especially since we were all stuck here together until the storm let up.

Reaching for my phone, I noticed the text message and missed call from my mom. She told me to call her as soon as I woke up. I groaned out loud, knowing that I needed to mentally prepare myself for the sound of her disappointment. I wasn’t awake enough to deal with it quite yet. Maybe after I ate some cold pizza.

Someone knocked on my door three times.

“Hold on,” I shouted as I threw the covers off and padded down the hall, rubbing my eyes.

Checking my reflection in the mirror, I prayed that it wasn’t River. I looked awful, and I didn’t really want him to see me like this. Glancing in the peephole, I saw the last person I’d expected to see. My heart dropped to my stomach as I pulled the door open and faked a smile.

“Stacy?” I asked.

She squealed and threw her arms around me before pushing her way inside. I followed behind her tiny body, watching as she made herself comfortable on my bed.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, sounding like a bit of a jerk, but not meaning to.

I was just surprised.

“We got in late last night.”

“I thought the hotel was sold out?”

“They found us one room. One room for four of us, Sky. I haven’t slept at all.”

She sounded dramatic as she reached for a pillow and propped it up behind her head, a groan slipping from her lips.

“How’d you find my room?”

“I saw Carmella on her way out,” she said as her eyes started to close. “She told me which one was yours.”

“Wait. Carmella was leaving?” I ran to the window, threw open the curtain, and looked outside. It was still snowing. Hard.