Something flashed across Ireland’s face before she smiled. “He’s perfect for me. He comes from a good family, and he believes in love and relationships.”

A look of concern passed over Lily’s face. “Do you love him?”

Ireland smiled wide, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “So much. I can’t believe that this is my life. That I’m engaged and getting married.”

“And here I felt bad for moving out of our apartment and into your brother’s house,” Aria teased.

I regretted not being closer to Ireland because something about her story seemed off. She said she was in love, and she seemed happy. But something was missing.

I leaned forward. “I have to know… Are we planning your wedding?”

Ireland squealed. “Of course! I’d love to have a Christmas wedding.”

“You want to have it at the Christmas tree farm?” I asked, my heart sinking.

“Is that even possible?” Ireland raised her hopeful gaze to mine.

“I was going to suggest you talk to Emmett again about the possibility of us working with them. Maybe if you tell him it’s for your wedding, he’ll be willing to do it as a test of sorts. Maybe we can show them that we can hold the wedding with minimal disruption to their tree business.”

“Is that possible?” Lily asked, her voice laced with concern.

“We’ll do our best to minimize the damage by creating a new parking lot only for the wedding party and keeping our event away from the barn shop and the cut-tree lot.”

“You really think I have the best chance of convincing him?” Ireland asked.

“You’re the bride. Who could say no to you?” I asked her, but I wasn’t so sure. I swear Emmett’s gaze had lingered on her when we had met with them previously, which meant he wasn’t going to be happy she was engaged to someone else. But then again, every time I saw him, he was grumpy. Maybe that was just his personality.

“At the very least, Lori will want to help.”

“Even if we can only hold one wedding on the Monroes’ farm, you’ll get the wedding of your dreams,” I said to her.

Harper shot me a look. “You’d be content with one wedding there?”

Everyone laughed, knowing that wasn’t true.

“It’s not a secret I want the Monroe farm for our weddings, and I’m going to do everything I can to get it for us. I think Ireland’s engagement is our best chance to prove to the Monroes that we won’t disrupt their business. We’ll shine a spotlight on their brand and bring in even more customers.”

Ireland shifted in her chair, looking slightly uncomfortable.

“But only if you’re okay with my plan, Ireland. I don’t want you to do anything you don’t feel comfortable with.”

Ireland’s gaze steeled. “I want to help, and I do want to get married at the farm.”

“I think it’s the best way to convince Emmett to allow us to hold weddings there.” It felt like the next right action, and I always followed my intuition.

“What do I need to do to convinceyouto talk tome?” The male voice startled everyone.

Silas stood behind Abby and Ireland, across the fire from me.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, my voice shaky. It was almost like I’d conjured him here. Was he real or just a figment of my imagination?

“You aren’t answering your phone, and Harper said you were having an office meeting.” He looked around the circle at us drinking champagne and eating marshmallows. “This looks like something more.”

I stood and slowly made my way to him, that glimmer of hope I’d felt earlier growing bigger. “I’m trying something new.”

He arched a brow. “Oh yeah? By strong-arming the Monroes into hosting your weddings?”

I smiled. “I always get what I want. Sound familiar?”