I kind of knew that by the way she treated me, but it was interesting to hear others talk about it.

Lily raised a brow. “What? It’s surprising, and I can’t believe you’re doing touristy things and not working.”

Gia threw a thumb in Silas’s direction. “That’s his fault. He insisted on hanging out today.”

I stuffed my hands into my pockets and rocked back on my heels. “Sunday’s my day to relax.”

“Well, if you can get this one to do the same, I’ll love you forever,” Lily teased.

“You’re already in love with Jake. Stop teasing Silas.”

Lily smiled easily at me. “Jake’s the mechanic over at Harbor Garage if you ever need work done.”

“I’ve heard of it. They’ve built quite a name for themselves, especially with classic vehicles.”

“That’s right,” Lily said with a bright smile. “Were you coming in for a bouquet? I have one you’ll adore.”

Lily pulled a vase out of one of the fridges that was filled with sunflowers and other ones I couldn’t name.

“This is perfect,” Gia said as she reached for her purse to pay for it.

“I’ll get it.” There was no way I’d let her pay for flowers when I was here.

Gia frowned at me. “You don’t have to do that. This is my addiction.”

“I’m buying you flowers,” I said to Gia, placing my card in Lily’s outstretched hand. She seemed all too willing to help me out, and I appreciated it.

Gia was a tough woman to treat. I was surprised when she allowed me to schedule her that spa day and that she’d worn the designer dress and shoes I’d picked for her.

I waited while Gia and Lily talked about some developments in an upcoming wedding. I gathered that Lily was her flower supplier. When they said their good-byes, Lily said to me, “I hope to see you around more.”

I wasn’t sure how to respond to that. I wanted the same thing, but did Gia? I carried the vase outside. “Is that where you satisfy your flower addiction?”

“The monthly subscription service is hers, but I like flowers more often.”

I draped an arm over her shoulder. “You should always have fresh flowers.”

“That’s a dream of mine. I’d love to have them on my desk and in every room of my house. But that’s ridiculous. This is already too much.”

“Why would you say that?” I asked as we headed down a side street with uneven sidewalks.

“Cut flowers only last so long. Some say it’s a waste of money.”

“It’s not if it brings you joy, and I, for one, love seeing you happy.”

Gia smiled, and her cheeks turned pink. “You’re sweet when you want to be.”

“I’m sweet, period. This isn’t an act, baby.” I pulled her into my side and kissed her upturned lips. This had been the perfect day.

We walked around town like we were a couple. I guess I should have been more worried about running into her brothers, but I knew they were busy with the new restaurant, which was out of town.

When we reached her house, she unlocked the door and led me inside. “This is my place.”

It was small but updated. There were wood floors throughout. A small living room was on the right, with a fireplace and sofa, and the dining room was on the left. She led me to the kitchen in the back that overlooked a small backyard. She arranged the vase on the counter, looking a little uncomfortable to have me in her space.

“It’s perfect for you.” It was just the right amount of space for one person.

Gia smiled. “It’s hardly a house on the water or a penthouse, but it’s mine.”