“I’m not sure if I can write a book, but Harper said just to write down what I know. I kept a journal of my journey so I could remember what it was like when I was first starting out.”

“I love that you’re doing this. I think it will be good for you.”

“I’m still struggling with whether it will be advice for wedding planners or more business focused.”

“I think once you start writing, it will become clear.”

“I hope so. It’s been keeping me awake at night.”

I hated that she was stressed about this. “Why don’t you just have fun with it? Write what you wish you’d known starting out.”

“That’s an interesting idea,” she said thoughtfully.

“If you come from that perspective, maybe the writing will be easier.”

She smiled. “I’ll give it a try.”

Our food came, and we dug in. It was good, not as tasty as my resort, but I was biased.

We talked about how the food compared to my restaurant, and other business things surrounding the resort. It was nice to talk to someone who understood.

When we finished eating, we headed toward the harbor area, where the tour boat was docked. While we waited to board, I asked, “Have you taken the tour before?”

Gia shook her head. “I never did the touristy things in town. We were always too busy with the pizzeria and now, my business.”

“That’s good to know.” Since I hadn’t done it either, it would be something fun for us to do together.

We boarded, and I led her to the top deck to look over the railing at the others boarding.

“I wonder if this is what it feels like to be on a cruise ship.”

I gripped the railing, my eyes riveted on her, not the view. “It’s much bigger though.”

She glanced at me. “I’ve never gone on a cruise. Have you?”

I shook my head. “I’ve only seen them when I was in Key West. They’re huge. I like smaller boats.”

Her brow furrowed. “It’s not like your boat is small.”

“But it’s easier for me to handle. The cruise ships are massive. I can’t imagine being in a hotel that moves. I prefer to see places from the ground.”

“That makes sense.”

We fell silent as the captain went over the safety features. The boat honked, and then it pulled away from the dock. We stood by the railing as someone talked on the loudspeaker about what we were seeing on the shore, including a nice view of the Naval Academy.

Gia was engrossed in what the captain was saying over the speaker, the history of the area, and the things we were seeing.

When we turned around and made our way back, Gia said, “This was neat. I really enjoyed it.”

“I did a good job with planning our date?” I asked her.

Gia smiled. “You did. I’m glad we did this.”

I almost hesitated to ask. “You’re not missing work?”

Her smile fell. “I probably need to be writing. The book is on top of my regular work, and I hadn’t anticipated doing it right now.”

“Sometimes the best plans are the ones that pop up out of nowhere.”