“You thought it wouldn’t?” Leo asked.

I knew Leo respected Silas’s business decisions. “I was hoping there would be something I could exploit.”

Leo leaned back in his chair. “You aren’t in direct competition, you know. If a couple wants a resort, they come here; if they want a venue in Annapolis, they go to you.”

I sighed, hating to admit this to my brother but needing to hear his thoughts. “I’ve been losing more clients lately. When I ask why, they say they prefer the all-inclusive offerings of Silas’s resort.”

Harper shook her head. “Can you blame them? I can’t imagine planning my own wedding. There are so many details.”

“Yet you don’t mind doing it for other people,” Leo said.

“I’m not a wedding planner. I’m the manager,” Harper said.

“That’s right,” Leo said as I sipped my champagne.

Dinner came, and we dug into our respective entrees, chicken or steak, while speaking to the other couples at the table.

Finn played his guitar for the couple’s first dance, and when guests filled the dance floor, I said, “You two should dance. We need to blend in and look natural.”

“Not like we’re on a supersecret spy mission?” Leo teased.

I waved a hand at him. “Just go dance.”

I needed a minute to process what transpired between me and Silas. The time I spent in the hotel room wasn’t enough to clear it from my memory. I wasn’t sure I’d ever forget it.

That’s when I spotted Silas in the rear of the tent, his gaze on me. I checked to ensure that Harper was dancing with Leo. Those two seemed engrossed in each other, so I grabbed my purse and headed in his direction.

His gaze stayed on me as I made my way through the maze of tables to stop in front of him. He arched a brow. “You need something?”

His words, combined with the heat in his eyes, were like a bomb detonating inside my body. I was hot all over and desperate for another round. Instead of answering him, I asked, “Are you planning on spying on us all night?”

“Isn’t that what you’re doing?” His stance was deceptively relaxed, but I knew he was hyperaware of me.

I smiled, feeling cooler when I thought about business and not Silas Sharpe seeing me naked and writhing under him. “Your resort isn’t competition for the high-level service my wedding planners provide.”

Silas flicked his gaze over my head, then back to my face. “Are you looking for something else, then?”

Without waiting for a response, he touched my elbow and guided me around the corner. I heard the music drifting from the tent, but we were out of sight of the party itself.

“What are you doing?” I hissed.

“Giving you want you want.” Then his hands cupped my face, making me feel both cherished and adored before he kissed me. His hard body pressed against mine, and I arched toward him, needing and wanting more. He made me ache for him.

I lost all sense of space and time, forgetting about the reception, my brother, and my best friend until there was nothing except Silas’s mouth on mine.

“You staying the night?” Silas asked as he eased back.

My lips felt swollen, my cheeks hot. “You know I am.”

“Good.” Then he walked away, leaving me wanting more.

It was so irritating that he had this effect on me. It was like a switch had been flipped, and now, we couldn’t contain our desire for each other. Desire we’d been perfectly able to ignore for years.

I smoothed my dress and touched my swollen lips. How long had I been gone? Would Harper and Leo notice that I’d just been kissed? I didn’t think I had time to duck inside the restroom, so I hoped I’d make it back to the table before Harper and Leo so I could use the compact in my purse to fix any damage.

I hated that Silas made me lose control like this. I was acting so out of character. I was here for business, not to fuck Silas Sharpe, even though I wanted to. I really wanted to know what it was like to get the full Silas experience.

Could I justify it to myself that it was purely for business? That I was testing the bed for bridal couples? I stepped away from the planter and into the tent. My heart sank when I saw Harper and Leo alone at our table, watching me walk toward them.