Page 106 of Everything About You

Silas’s expression sobered. “I don’t know if it’s going to work out.”

I tipped my head to the side. “How many couples have requested me?”

“Too many,” Silas admitted as he sipped his coffee.

“I think you need me.”

He flashed me a smile. “In more ways than one. I need you in my bed and in my house."

I frowned. “But how will I manage the back-and-forth? My business is in Annapolis.”

“Your book and digital course have been released, and it’s doing well.”

I’d reached out to podcasts and taken every interview offered to me. The publicity had helped my book take off. When I released my digital course, it outsold anything I could have imagined. I decided to keep it open for a limited time, which increased demand and urgency. I planned to launch the course twice a year.

I enjoyed teaching, talking to other women in business, and empowering them to keep going. A few inquired about one-on-one meetings, so I took on a few high-priced coaching clients. It was Harper’s idea to offer a cheaper monthly membership for those who couldn’t afford the one-on-one coaching. It was an amazing opportunity for the wedding planners to ask questions.

These coaching sessions gave me ideas for other courses to offer. I had ideas for more books. As much as I loved wedding planning, these new offerings fed my soul. I felt more satisfied than I had when I was just planning parties.

The online buzz surrounding the book and course had grown larger than I ever could have imagined. It had the added effect of increasing demand for me as a wedding planner. Now I was seen as an expert in my industry. I increased my prices overall to meet the demand and hired a few more wedding planners to handle the weddings in Annapolis.

Silas leaned back in his chair. “You’ve put my resort on the map.”

His resort was mentioned alongside my name in every article or podcast about me and my offerings.

“I should tell you thatBridal Magazinewill be on-site today to cover the wedding.”

I laughed and then stopped when I saw his serious expression. “You’re kidding.”

“I’m not.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? I need to get on-site now and make sure everything is ready.” I stood, intending to go inside and get ready.

Silas stopped me with a hand on my wrist. “Babe, everything is covered. Ireland will be here today to assist you. I already talked to her about her keeping an eye on things this morning.”

I sat back down, my mind still racing. “You can’t expect me to sit around the house when a magazine is coveringmywedding.”

“It’s notyourwedding,” Silas said easily.

I waved a hand. “You know what I mean—the one I planned. My reputation is on the line.”

“It’s not,” Silas said firmly. “You’ve done an amazing job planning everything, and you have a team you can trust to ensure it goes as planned.”

I looked out over the water, wanting to enjoy this morning with Silas. I didn’t want the stress of John and Emma’s wedding, or the fact a magazine was on-site, to infiltrate our bubble.

Silas took my hand, interlacing his fingers with mine. “I have a proposal for you.”

“You want me to handle more high-end weddings at your resort?” I asked, anticipating what he was going to say.

He turned my chair so that we were facing each other and held both of my hands.

“What’s going on?” His somber expression scared me. Would he propose that we go back to how things were before?

Then he pushed back his chair and dropped to one knee.

My heart galloped in my chest. “Silas?”

Silas took my left hand in both of his. “You came into my life and changed everything—how I viewed life and business and, most importantly, my thoughts on love. I never thought about settling down or spending Saturday mornings with a special someone. But you changed all of that.”