Page 100 of Everything About You

“Yeah, but that’s because we were resisting the pull.”

“No one is like us. Our story doesn’t follow anyone else’s.”

Gia sighed. “I like that.”

“I freaking love that about us. We’re unique.”

“What about Matteo and Carlo?” Gia asked, sounding nervous for the first time.

As strong as she was, she didn’t want her brothers to be upset with her. “Leo said he’d talk to them. I’ll still reach out to them too.”

“Wow. Leo must be telling the truth. He really is okay with us seeing each other.”

I chuckled, content to have Gia in my arms. “I doubt he wants to see me kissing you. But he’s open to the idea of us.”

Gia let out a breath, and I wondered if she was worried about what her family would think.

“I talked to your father too,” I said, and she stiffened under my touch.

Her brow furrowed. “Why would you do that?”

“I didn’t like how he talked to you at dinner the other night.”

Gia frowned. “What did you say to him?”

“That I didn’t like the dynamic between you two, and something needed to change.” When Gia remained silent, I continued. “He said he’s proud of you. That he means to treat you differently but falls into old patterns when you’re around.”

Gia sighed and looked torn, as if she wasn’t sure what to believe.

“I think he doesn’t know how to act around you. You’re so different than what he expected, and he’d like for you to work by his side, but he respects that you don’t.”

Gia bit her lower lip. “I don’t know.”

“Will you talk to him and give him a chance to explain it to you?” I asked her, hoping she would be open to the idea. I didn’t like her being at odds with her parents.

“Do you think it will do any good?” she asked tentatively.

“It can’t hurt.”

She snorted and plopped onto her back on the bed. “We’ll just argue.”

“If that’s your attitude going into it. But what if you were open to seeing what he had to say?” I said as I propped myself up on an elbow.

She smiled up at me. “I’ll try.”

I kissed her, my love for her encompassing everything. “I love you.”

She wrapped her arms around me. “I love you too.”



After we made up, I spent most nights with Silas. We couldn’t seem to get enough of each other and, on some level, needed to be close. Since we’d declared our love for each other, I felt freer. Like I could do anything.

Thankfully, Matteo and Carlo took Leo’s lead and were okay with my relationship with Silas. I suspected they might have threatened retaliation if Silas ever hurt me, but he wouldn’t admit it to me.

Today, we were meeting with the Monroe family to discuss the possibility of Ireland holding her wedding there. I was prepared to campaign hard for her. I knew she wanted to get married and have a holiday wedding, and I wanted the Monroes to see that a partnership would be advantageous to both of us.