She needed a man who was confident and sure of himself. She didn’t have to be with someone who was wealthy, but she deserved to date an equal. Someone who’d admire her and not be jealous of her success. I had a feeling we’d push each other to be better in our respective businesses.

I wondered if she got bored with the guys she dated, or if things got too intense, she’d break things off. Maybe she only felt vulnerable with me, and I liked that a lot.

“What about you? You said you don’t bring women to your penthouse. Who are the women in the pictures in the newspaper? Are they girlfriends?”

“They’re friends. I needed a date for those functions, and they like to be seen on my arm.”

Her nose wrinkled. “Why would you need a date?”

I hesitated for a few seconds, unsure if she’d like my answer. Then I decided to go with the truth. “It keeps women from hitting on me.”

She laughed then, her eyes dancing. “You need a date to protect you from women coming on to you?”

“Something like that,” I said, enjoying her reaction.

She grinned. “I like that. Maybe I can be your protector next time.”

Joy surged through me. I was fairly positive it was a spur-of-the-moment offer, one she’d issued to be funny, but I wasn’t going to let it go. “It’s a date.”

Her eyes widened. “I didn’t mean—”

“I’m sure you’re a woman of your word, and you offered,” I reminded her.

Her eyes narrowed on me. “Fine. I’ll be your date.”

“There’s a charity event here next weekend. You’re welcome to use your room to get ready and stay overnight. Unless you choose to sleep in my room.”

Gia shook her head. “That’s not going to happen. We work together.”

“Mmm,” I said to get under her skin.

“You don’t believe me,” she said incredulously.

“I think you believe it. And that’s all that matters.” I kept my tone light and teasing, with none of the sexual innuendo I usually would have resorted to.

I could tell she couldn’t see how to take that.

The server brought our food and asked us if we needed anything, and when Gia said no, he told us to enjoy our meal.

“Everything looks amazing.”

“You’ll love the way it tastes too,” I promised, winking at her when she looked up at me.

Gia shook her head. “Is everything sexual with you?”

“Only when I’m with you. But I can try to keep things PG when we’re working.”

“I’d appreciate it,” she said wryly, but I knew she was enjoying our interaction.

I cut my chicken and popped a bite into my mouth. I chewed and swallowed before adding, “Is it because you don’t believe you can resist me?”

Gia groaned. “You’re impossible. I’m going to ignore you now.”

I chuckled, and we ate in silence for a minute before I asked, “Tell me something about you. Something I don’t know.”

“Hmm. There’s not much to tell. I grew up in my brothers’ shadows at school and at the pizzeria. When I went away to college, I enjoyed my freedom. Probably too much. I took some business classes, got the bug, and came home on break with all these ideas to improve the pizzeria, but Papà wouldn’t hear me out.”

“I’m sorry.”