Page 105 of Everything About You

I chewed my lip for a few seconds, wondering how I could express what I was feeling. “I thought you were disappointed in me.”

Papà hugged me and said gruffly, “Never. I could never be disappointed in you.”

I returned the hug, relaxing in the knowledge that my family was okay with what I was doing. When he stepped away, I asked, “Did you know I’m writing a book?”

“I didn’t hear anything about that,” Mamma said.

“I want passive income. My business is service based, and no matter how much we try to streamline things with packages, it’s a lot of work.”

“It’s the same with the restaurant.”

“That’s why I decided to offer a digital course on wedding planning to other planners and write a book outlining my struggles and successes. I have so much information to share; it just made sense. There’s not much offered in the wedding planning space.”

“I don’t understand what you mean by a digital course.”

“It’s a big thing in the online world,” Mamma said. “I’ve heard about it. People offer courses in their expertise.”

I was surprised by her confession. “Nonfiction books are supposed to be easier to sell than fiction and complement a course nicely. Plus, you can self-publish now, and you don’t have to go through the hoops of a traditional publishing house, and you can keep a higher profit.”

As we talked about my plans, it was clear Papà didn’t understand the value of the course, but he understood what it meant to write a book. He seemed proud of me, and I hoped we’d fixed the rift between us.

When I was ready to head out, Papà gruffly said, “You know that boy loves you.”

“Boy? You mean Silas?” When Papà nodded, I said, “He’s hardly a boy.”

“He’s a good man. I told him he was lucky to have you.”

“Well, of course, he is,” Mamma agreed.

“Are you saying you’re okay with me seeing him?” I asked them both.

“He’s good for you,” Papà said.

In the past, I would have bristled at a comment like that, but now, I appreciated it. “I think so too.”

“You’re open to love now,” Mamma said, and it wasn’t a question.

“I am.” I wasn’t afraid to admit it.

“I want you to be happy,” Mamma said.

“I am happy, but not because of Silas. He helped me see there was more to life than work. That I could work less and make more.”

“I’ve been trying to tell your father that for years, but he doesn’t believe me.”

“I like working. My favorite part is talking to the customers, reminiscing about when my children were tagging along behind me,” Papà said with affection.

Papà made Giovanni’s special. Without my parents, Giovanni’s wouldn’t be the same.



Iloved mornings on Silas’s deck. We drank coffee and looked out over the water. “I can’t believe it’s John and Emma’s wedding day.”

“Does this mean I won’t see you here as often?” Silas asked.

“I hope this wedding is just the beginning of many.”