“Oh yeah?” I arch an eyebrow, flirty. “So how do you feel about taking them off?”

“Grand,” Fraser murmurs, drawing me close again. “Just grand.”



Two months later…

“If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once,” Hugo says, his voice urgent. “My affections and wishes are unchanged. But one word from you will silence me on this subject forever.”

I hold my breath, watching from behind the cameras. After months of shooting across locations around England, it’s the final scene of the production, and you could hear a pin drop, watching them in action.

Lizzy-slash-Sophia reaches up and presses a palm to Hugo’s cheek. In the novel, there’s no more dialogue, and Reeve and I bickered for hours over whether he should give Lizzy a final speech.

In the end, he finally agreed, they could say more without words.

Now, we all watch, rapt, as our couple move in for their final, passionate kiss. A camera swoops overhead on a crane contraption, drawing in close, then pulling back over the gorgeous countryside, until they’re framed against the lush green hills and woodland…

“… And, cut! Print. Ladies and gentlemen… We have a wrap!”

Hugo and Lizzy pull away, laughing, and take a little bow, as the cast and crew explode into cheers and applause.

I hoot and holler right along with them. They did it.Wedid it.

“Can you believe it?” Hazel beams, sweeping me into a hug. “Ahead of schedule, under budget… It’s a moviemaking miracle!”

“I know!” I hug her back, laughing. “Congratulations!”

Reeve is swamped with well-wishers, heartily shaking the hand of every single person on the set. I turn to Max, who’s been stationed beside me, watching the final scene. “What do you think?” I tease. “Ready to fend off every man, woman, and Austen fan in England once they see your guy in action?”

“Ready and willing,” Max grins, as Hugo strides over. He sweeps me into a massive hug, and then moves onto Max for a kiss.

“Congratulations, love,” Max cheers. “It’s a triumph.”

“I see Oscar nominations in your future,” I add.

“I bloody well hope so,” Hugo grins, clearly riding high from the scene. “That’ll give them something to talk about.”

I laugh. Fraser wasn’t the only one speeding down from Scotland to make amends. It turns out, Max came too, and soon enough, he and Hugo were reunited—and going public with their relationship. A ‘making out in the middle of the hotel lobby’ kind of public.

As predicted, the press went crazy. We had to get in extra security at all the shooting locations because there were so many paparazzi loitering in the bushes, angling for a pic. But Hugo and Max weathered the storm together, and in a few weeks, things quieted down. Now, they’ve been going long distance for the remainder of the movie shoot, sharing weekends and getaways whenever the filming schedule allowed. I know that Max is still adjusting to the public profile, but it’s sent reservations at his restaurant skyrocketing, so he says it’s not all bad, shacking up with a celebrity.

Music suddenly blasts from some of the speakers, and cases of champagne appear. It’s an impromptu wrap party, right there in the middle of the field. “Bottoms up!” Hugo grabs a couple of glasses for us, and we all toast.

“So, what are you guys planning next?” I ask, sipping bubbles and enjoying the vibe. “Another movie?”

“Not for a while,” Hugo beams, putting an arm around Max. “I’m taking the whole winter off work. I’m going to sit by the fire, read books and scripts, and get fat off my boyfriend’s cooking.”

“I’ll keep you on your feet as sous chef,” Max teases. “There’s no such thing as a free lunch.”

“We’ll see about that,” Hugo laughs. “What about you, JJ? Back to the States?”

I shake my head. “Not just yet…”

I catch sight of a familiar figure approaching, and beam. “In fact, my plans just arrived…”

I leave the guys, and go throw my arms around Fraser’s neck, greeting him with a kiss. He laughs, picking me up by the waist and kissing me deeper, until my bones melt and my head is spinning. “Mmm, champagne,” he says, finally setting me back on my feet. “Delicious.”