She pulls out her cellphone, and moves into the hall to make the call, while my mind races from this new development.

“Fine?” Fraser echoes quietly. “The production won’t be fine if he doesn’t get his arse back to Sussex.”

“Shhh!” I hush him anxiously, craning to peer through the door. “We’ll just have to figure it out. Can you get a call traced off someone’s phone?”

Fraser snorts. “I’m not in MI5! Look, if he doesn’t come through, you’ll just have to—”

I elbow him fast as Mara reenters. “He wants to talk to JJ,” she says, holding out the phone to me.

My heart leaps. I grab it to talk, as Mara offers Fraser some tea. Whatever Hugo said to her, at least we’re not getting suspicious glares anymore.

I grip the phone tightly. “Hello?”

“JJ, how are you?”

Hugo’s crisp English accent comes, sounding happy and upbeat. I breathe a sigh of relief and move into the living room to talk.

“Well… Things have been better,” I venture carefully. “Since we’re trying to make a movie, and our dashing leading man has gone AWOL. I don’t suppose you’ve wrapped up your big reunion with Max and are at the airport, or bus station, or wherever, already on your way back?” I ask hopefully.

“No. No I can’t say that I am.”

Oh shit.

“So when are you coming back?” I gulp. “Tomorrow? The morning after? I mean, things will be sticky, Reeve is already losing his mind, but I canmaybebuy you until Wednesday night to make it back to Sussex.”

Hugo clears his throat. “Right, so about that…” he says slowly. “I’ve decided I’m not actually coming back.”

“What?!”I let out an involuntary shriek.

The living room door opens, and Fraser rushes in, like I’m being attacked. I shake my head at him and pinch my nose. “I’m sorry, could you repeat that?” I ask Hugo, feeling a cold chill of panic spread through my entire body. “Because it sounded like you’re not coming back to the multimillion dollar movie production that hinges on your actual presence.”

Fraser’s face changes. ‘What the fuck?’ he mouths at me, and I give a helpless shrug.

“You heard right,” Hugo says on the other end of the line. “I’m sorry for the bother, I really am. I’ll call Reeve myself to apologize, I know this will cause a fuss with the production.”

“A fuss…” I echo faintly. That doesn’t even begin to describe it!

“I’m choosing love,” Hugo says firmly. “You were right, JJ. I can’t let it slip away from me. This is where I need to be.”

Fraser reaches for the phone, his expression stormy. I dance back. A yelling match is the last thing we need.

“You know, it’s not like you have to choose. Real, meant-to-be love will last through a couple months of filming,” I say brightly. “You can visit Max on the weekends, he can come to set! I’m sure Reeve would be happy to pay for his flights, hotel… Whatever it takes!”

“That won’t happen,” Hugo says, and am I crazy, or does he sound a little regretful?

“But Hugo, you love this role,” I remind him. “You beat out a hundred other brooding British men to win the part! You’ve been training, and rehearsing, and learning to ride a horse… You were so good in rehearsals. So good!”

“I know. Darcy is the role of a lifetime….” Hugo sighs, and yes, there’s definite regret in his voice. “But I think this is where I need to be right now.”

“And where is that exactly?” I ask, trying to be casual.

“The Isle of Skye,” he replies. “It’s beautiful here, JJ. So peaceful, away from everything… If you could see it, you’d understand.”

“Well, why don’t I?” I grab the opening. “We’re in Glasgow right now, that can’t be far? We’ll swing by, have a cup of tea, meet the famous Max… Then at least I can go back to Sussex and say I tried everything,” I add.

He gives a wry chuckle. “You are persistent, aren’t you?”

“Charmingly so!”