“Hazel filled me in,” I add. I knew something big was up with Jolene, and after I saw her hightailing it out of the hotel with her backpack, I tracked down the only sane person on set and made her spill. I was afraid Jolene had quit the movie after my idiotic kiss the other night.

I soon found out that the truth was so much worse.

“Congratulations,” I tease gently, trying to make her smile. “Losing the lead actor barely a week into production? That has to be some kind of record.”

“Don’t,” Jolene groans. “You think I don’t feel bad enough already? I do! We were just talking… When I said for him to follow his heart, I never meant for him to take it so literally!”

“That’s the unfortunate thing about love,” I mutter. “It tends to override more important things, like logic, and rational thought, and a strict production schedule.”

Jolene narrows her eyes at me. “Of course, you wouldn’t understand anything other than your precious budget priorities,” she snaps. “Butsomeof us think love is the most important thing.”

I can tell, we’re getting offtrack here, and the last thing I want to do it litigate our past relationship while some spotty kid does jelly shots ten feet away.

“So what are we doing here?” I ask, looking dubiously around.

“I managed to figure out where Hugo went last night, from the car service, and track him here,” Jolene explains. “But after that, it’s a mystery. The girl in there knows where he went next, but she won’t say a word. She’s been sworn to secrecy.”

I think fast. Hugo Chambers disappearing like this is as good as a death sentence for the production. If Bradley or any of the studio suits get a whiff that he’s gone, they’ll pull the plug without pausing for breath.

“Leave it to me,” I say, and continue up the steps past her, into the house.

Jolene scrambles up, and trails after me. “Where is this girl?” I ask, looking around the party. Some dance hit is blasting, and kids are paired off, dancing, drinking, and making out in dark corners. The place reeks of booze, weed, and teenage hormones, and I almost feel nostalgic for a moment, remembering parties like this, with Jolene on my arm…

“Clemmie. She’s over there,” Jolene points. “But she’s not going to crack. I tried already.”

“So, I’ll try again.”

I cut through the crowd to the wide-eyed blonde in the tight dress. “Hi, love. Can I have a quick word?” I ask, flashing a big smile.

She clocks Jolene lurking behind me. “I told your girlfriend, I’m not a narc. Hugo trusts me!”

“I’m not his girlfriend!” Jolene blurts immediately, as ifthat’sthe most important detail we’re dealing with right now.

I control my temper. “You won’t get in any trouble,” I add, trying to look stern. “But you need to tell us what you know right now, young lady.”

I hear Jolene snort with laughter behind me, and I can’t blame her. Suddenly, I’m channeling my old headmaster, complete with furrowed brow and threatening stare. It looks like it might be working, too. Clemmie wavers, biting her lip.


Just then, we’re interrupted by a lanky bastard in a fedora, sidling in. “Alright, babe?” he gives Clemmie a smirk. “Nice party.”

And suddenly, all hell breaks loose.

“Nice party… Nice party…?” Clemmie screeches, her voice rising. “That’s what you have to say to me?”

“What do you expect?” Fedora Boy grins.

“For you to act like a decent human being, and not parade your new bitch right under my nose?”

“What? Babes, there’s nothing going on, I swear.”

“I saw you with your hands on her arse! And after I booked us that mini break in Benidorm!”


“No!” Clemmie wails, “I love you, but I can’t take this anymore. It’s over!”

“Are you serious? You’re fucking insane!” Fedora Boy yells, and storms off, slamming doors behind him.