Page 32 of Tapped

A win for me.

I slide my phone back into my pocket. “There will be no rest for me until later. While you’re waiting for the next security detail, I’ll take that cup of coffee.”

She doesn’t move. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“You don’t even know what I’m thanking you for.”

“I’m going to assume it’s for everything.”

That wins me a ghost of a smile. “Fair enough.”

“Coffee, Evie. Make it strong.”

“It’s the least I can do.”

“It is,” I agree.

When she turns to the complicated espresso machine, I do something I should not do. I take advantage and look without having to pretend I’m not.

There’s a lot to like about Evie Litchfield.

Other than her stubbornness.




“You look like shit.”

I walk past Tim without stopping but flip him off with my free hand as I wipe a drop of coffee from my bottom lip with the back of my other. “Fuck you, too, boss.”

I go straight to my cubicle and yank out my chair, but my manager doesn’t get the hint because he just keeps at me. “Cruz said you worked late. Did you even go home? You wore that yesterday.”

I log into my computer and swivel to Tim but I don’t say a word about last night. The last thing I need is for anyone at the office to find out I spent the night sitting in Evie’s house. “I found out something that has nothing to do with my case, and it intrigues me.”

He leans an elbow on the low wall that makes up the pod that Brax and I share. “Why do I not like the sound of that?”

“Probably because it’s bad. Dr. Evita Litchfield was in a car accident a while back.”

Tim hikes a brow.

“It was bad,” I add. “It was a top-of-the-line vehicle that wasn’t even a year old. The whole thing sounds suspect.”

“Lots of cars get into wrecks. I haven’t met one that is fool-proof. Even a tank can be tossed.”

I recline in my chair and pick up my coffee. “Yeah, but it’s not like someone hit her. That vehicle should not have had an issue—at least not like this. It went haywire. Electrical, brakes, steering. I need to get my hands on the accident report.”

“Let me guess, her son was in the car with her?”

“He was.”

“You’re spread thin enough as it is with this case. This isn’t something you have time for.” Tim crosses his arms and sighs. “How did you even come across this information?”

Vagueness is my friend in this case. “I checked in on the doctor to make sure she arranged security. Conversation led to this. She was so overwhelmed with what went down yesterday, it’s almost like she had a revelation mid-conversation. Now she’s really freaked-the-fuck out. Her husband is whacked. I can’t blame her.”