It looked like an agreement.

My fingers shook as I scanned the document. Realization slowly filled me as I glanced through the lines to reach her signature.

It was an agreement between Renee and the media agency. A plan to announce our fake engagement in exchange for a large percentage.

My hands fisted the paper in rage. My eyes burning with fury.

I should have known. I should have known life had only been playing games with me.



I don’t think you’re confused. I think you’re in denial.

As the light specks of snow lightly hit my face, I recalled Sierra’s words.

I had visited my old apartment after Sarah left. It was the one place I felt secure. And it shielded the one person I felt safe with.

I had broken the news of my pregnancy to her. I’d expected her to scream. To yell at me for being reckless. To yell at me for getting carried away.

But she had just smiled.

Oh, Renee, sometimes I wonder how oblivious you are.

Edging my head to the open window, I breathed the smell of December. Finally, the snow had come. Christmas lights hung around every shop.

And some even had mini-Christmas trees.

Everywhere was busy, as usual. But this time there was a lingering smell of winter.

I smiled.

The talk with Sierra somehow calmed me. She eased my worries with her words. And she made me realize my feelings.

True feelings.

All I’d felt wasn’t confusion, rather it was denial. Refusal. Refusal to accept that I’d… fallen in love with my boss.

I noticed Fred glance at me from the mirror.

“What?” I asked with a smile.

He shook his head. “It’s just that you’ve been smiling since I picked you up.”

I shook my head with a small laugh. I’d informed Fred of my sleepover at the old apartment last night. And had only called him to pick me up this morning.

“Tell me about your love life,” I angled my head to his reflection.

He glanced at me with a small smile. And I swear I saw a hint of blush.

“Her name is Maria. We met on one of my trips to the countryside. I’d just gone there to see my parents.” His smile grew.

“I spotted her in a field, she was watering the plants. I was awestruck by her beauty and immediately knew I had to get her.”

“It took a while but she finally fell for my charms. You know this ol’ man was a smooth talker back in the days,” he quipped.

I laughed. It felt refreshing to see him out of his shell.