Pulling my head away, I let out short, hard breaths. I was panting, weak and dizzy.


My lips suddenly quivered. It›s just a fever. And the fact that I had missed my period was a coincidence.

Tears blurred my vision and anxiety collapsed the walls of my ribs.

No. No. No.

Instantly I wobbled out. Grabbing my phone, I dialled Fred.

“I need to get to the store now.”

In an instant, I was in the car. I could see Fred glance at me with concern but I didn’t care.

We reached the closest store and I jumped out.

Immediately I walked in and grabbed a pregnancy test.

No. Not one.

I snatched five more before hurrying back to the cashier. Ignoring her weary stare, I paid and sped to the car.

In no time, we arrived at the mansion. Pushing past the door, I raced to my room.

Yanking open the carton, I grabbed the stick, hurrying to the toilet.

My hands tugged my hair as I waited. It couldn’t be. I could never be.

I didn’t know how much time passed. But when I turned to look at it I stumbled to the ground. Suddenly like the wind was sucked out of me, I couldn’t breathe.

Two lines. Two lines.

No. No. No. No.

I should have known. No, I couldn’t have known. Sierra.

I need to call Sierra.

My phone started to ring just when I picked it up. I immediately picked it up.

“Sierra I-”

“Renee,” Sarah’s voice cut me off.

Not in the mood, I attempted to wave her. “Sarah not no-”

“He hit me,” she sobbed.


“My husband, Renee. Gavin– he hit me.” Her sobs grew louder.

“W–why?” I steadied my panic.

Her voice cracked. I could feel the tears from the phone. “I- I don’t know. Are you around? I just want to be with someone. Please don’t make me stay here any longer.”

“Y–yes, I am. It’s okay Sarah, just calm down. I’m here.”