Blowing out a much-needed breath, I fisted my knuckles to lightly knock on the door. Time passed with nothing but the sound of my racing heart.

There was no response.

Releasing another breath, I knocked, anticipating any kind of sound. But there was none.

No response.

Disappointment sank into my guts as I fisted my hair. But the feeling was soon replaced with fear.

Wasn’t she home? Did something happen to her?

Fuck. What if–

I was suddenly interrupted when I heard light shuffles from the other end. Slowly the door creaked open.

Her eyes widened just like before. But before she slammed the door, I quickly held it.

“Renee, please. Just give me a chance,” I breathed. Hoping she could hear the sincerity in my voice.

“Please,” I repeated when she seemed to be thinking. Like the last time, her face was blank. Stoic. An unfamiliar expression.

I held my breath as the tense seconds rolled. And released it when she gave a small nod.


“I-I’m sorry,” I breathed the only words I could.

A few more seconds passed, and I could see her expression slowly morph to something else.

My shoulders sagged as I moved my eyes around her frame. Lingering briefly on her clothed stomach. She was wearing a long, flowy gown.

Her hair was in a messy bun. Dark circles laced the area beneath her eyes. But she was still beautiful.

As beautiful as she’d ever been.

“When I asked you to be my date, I never intended for things to get this far,” I breathed. Training my gaze on hers. “But some things happened and…. And the media started to dig into my business.”

I tugged a fist into my hair. “I needed to divert their attention…so the engagement was also a way to avert…” I trailed, watching her expression. It didn’t seem to change. But I noticed the slight twitch in her brows.

Perhaps I wasn’t supposed to say this. But if I wanted her, then she had to know the whole truth.

“I- I found out that Sarah did it. I found out she planted the evidence. But it was… it was too late.”

“I’m sorry, Renee, for doubting you,” my heart lurched. “I’m sorry for… hurting you. I’m sorry for ever bringing you into my life’s mess.”

The world seemed to stand still as I watched her blink. Gradually, the silence grew, engulfing my chest in a strained hold. I wished she’d say something. Anything.

“You- you can’t say that…” she trailed in a small whisper. Instead of the relief I thought I’d find at her response, the pain in my heart seemed to intensify.

“You can’t come back after weeks of unjust accusations to say sorry.” She shook her head. Placing her eyes anywhere but on mine.

“You can’t come back after..”

“Please Renee,” I whispered with every bit of emotion in my chest. I didn’t want to hear it. To hear the harsh reality of what I did.

“You don’t get it Damien.” She finally brought her eyes to mine. And I grimaced at the intensity it held. The intensity of hurt…and pain.

“I still feel it…” her lips quivered as she held a hand to her chest. “The memories, they’re still as fresh as ever. I- I still feel the hurt.”