Page 21 of Blood Wine

Stephen and Istvan stared at each other. Istvan finally broke the eye contact. He glanced at Janos. “I’m Istvan Blasko,” he said.

“Janos Kovacs,” Janos said without a smile and making no move to shake hands.

“You must be the young man Sam saved at the club?”

“That’s right,” Janos said, eyeing him with distrust.

“Then this concerns you too.” He looked at the three men. “The owners of the club want to meet with us all. The situation between vampires and humans is getting out of hand in the city. They want our advice.”

Stephen snorted. “Bollocks.”

Istvan looked to Janos for clarification.

“I believe it’s a slang word for testicles,” Janos said. “Meaning nonsense or rubbish.”

“I see,” Istvan said. “What’s bollocks about it, Stephen?”

“Why us? I can see why you, I suppose, but why Sam, me and Janos?”

“Sam and Janos caused the trouble at the club…”

“No, we didn’t!” Janos interjected.

Istvan ignored him, “…and you have experience of living with a vampire for five years. You can offer insight in how humans and vampires can get along.”

Stephen stared him down stonily. “They can’t though, can they? We proved that.”

Istvan reddened. He said nothing.

“Just like vampires can’t get along with each other either.” Stephen looked at Sam and back to Istvan. “I think it’s the most ludicrous idea I’ve ever heard. Now why don’t you piss off back to your German friends?”

Istvan’s face turned to stone. “Nikolaus is Austrian,” he said.

“I don’t give a shit,” Stephen retorted.

Istvan’s fangs snapped out. He jumped to his feet and Sam hurried to get to his. He thrust himself between Stephen and Istvan, a hand on each chest as they squared up to each other. “Gentlemen,” he said.

“I know you can’t possibly be talking to him,” Stephen said with a sneer.

Istvan ground his teeth. “So help me, Stephen…”

“You’ll do what?” Stephen asked. “Kill me? Being with you for five years was like being dead anyway.”

Istvan froze. Sam couldn’t believe his ears. The whites of Istvan’s eyes turned pink. Then his eyes filled with blood tears. Sam had always hated this about vampires. Not attractive and it drew way too much attention. One couldn’t have a good cry without ruining a perfectly nice shirt. In Istvan, it was shocking and yes, heart-breaking. Sam felt himself choke up without warning. Never had he thought to see this display of emotion from Istvan.

Sam dropped his hands and stepped aside, leaving the two men face to face.

“You mean that?” Istvan asked in a near whisper, with his eyes crimson. “You actually mean that?”

“He doesn’t,” Sam said, frowning at Stephen. “How can he?”

Stephen ignored him. He stepped closer, right up to Istvan so they were nose to nose. “I mean it,” he said. “I gave up my whole life for you. My family think I’m a deserter or dead. I wasted five years and I have nothing to show for it.”

Istvan swallowed. Blood tears spilled down his cheeks. “You left. I didn’t throw you out.”

Stephen didn’t say anything else. He looked at Istvan for a long moment. Then he turned and left the room. Sam heard the bedroom door close and he faced Istvan in the awkward silence.

Istvan stood still for long seconds. Then he rubbed a hand roughly over his face and stalked out of the room. Sam followed him out to the front door. “Be at the club at nine tomorrow night,” Istvan said without looking at him and let himself out of the apartment.