Page 5 of Blood Kisses

Nikolaus closed his eyes, trembling as Emil cupped his buttocks and squeezed hard.

Emil already knew why. He knew Nikolaus’s history with Severin and positively traded on it. “I’m sorry,” Nikolaus said.

“We’re leaving. You’re going to put your excitement to good use.”

Emil said goodbye to some of his friends. He dragged Nikolaus down the corridor by his chain to his chamber and released his collar. He stood looking at the bulge in Nikolaus’s flimsy breeches. Nikolaus could hardly deny his arousal. Never had he expected to see the beautiful blond vampire again, the one he had once thought he was in love with. In idle moments of imagining an impossible reunion, he had never thought to be left reeling this way, mentally and physically. Oh God, he wanted Severin as though it were only yesterday.

“He excites you,” Emil said.

Nikolaus hung his head and nodded.


Nikolaus slipped out of his silk suit. Emil didn’t allow him to wear underwear.

“On all fours.”

Nikolaus climbed on the bed and positioned himself. He knew what was coming. Emil took the wooden paddle from the bedside drawer and brought it down on Nikolaus’s buttocks with a fierce slap.

Nikolaus jerked and cried out. His cock twitched and pre-cum dripped onto the covers. They could both pretend this was punishment but it also got Nikolaus off.

“Bad boy,” Emil said and spanked him again.

Nikolaus hissed. “Yes.”

“I’m going to fuck your tight little backside until you scream, do you understand?” Emil pushed a wet finger into Nikolaus. “After that, you’re going to the dungeon.”

“Yes,” said Nikolaus and memories flashed through his mind. Severin pinning him to a tree, holding him there while he ripped Nikolaus’s breeches open and thrust his hand inside. Severin saying he wouldn’t hurt him. Severin leaving.

He cried out as Emil sheathed himself deep and closed his eyes, imagined it was Severin riding him.


Severin slid naked between the cool sheets of his four-poster bed. Two goblets of blood stood on the ornate night stand beside him. His conscience pricked about where they had come from but he could hardly afford to be choosy. It was drink this or go out and attack some of Emil’s waiting staff, or worse still, some of the other vampires in the Schloss and Severin wasn’t sure he wanted to visit that sort of trouble upon himself at the moment.

The west wing of the castle was quiet, all the reverie concentrated on the far side, but it would soon break up. Behind the closed curtains, dawn streaked the sky in rosy hues. Severin lay back on the pillow and looked at the ceiling. A mirror hung there, showing no reflection. Severin was bemused. Unless Emil had placed the glass to reflect any humans that might be brought to this bed. He imagined watching Nikolaus writhing in the throes of ecstasy and his blood heated. What would Nikolaus be like when having sex? Would he be noisy? Would he cry out when he was penetrated? Would he beg for more?

Severin groaned, put a hand below the sheets and touched his stiff shaft. He had always vowed to himself that he would never know the paradise of making love to and drinking from Nikolaus. So why was he now thinking about doing it ten years later? Had the self-denial finally done for him?

His thoughts wandered back once more to that first night in the garden.

Chapter Five

Vienna, Austria, 1885

He and Nikolaus walked down the path that meandered through manicured shrubbery and into the enclosed fruit orchard. Severin trembled with excitement the closer they got and the darker the air turned around them. He couldn’t remember the last time he had desired a human being so. He wanted to be balls-deep in Nikolaus when he bit him. Nothing less would do. And if he got carried away and it ended in the young man’s death, well, it would be unfortunate but a hazard of the job.

Nikolaus admired the stars as he walked. He seemed ill at ease, the tension radiating off him in waves. Perhaps he sensed the danger the closer they got to the fruit orchard. At the end of the path, Severin pushed open a narrow, wrought iron gate. He stood back to allow Nikolaus in first and saw the indecision on the man’s face. Severin could employ some vampire magnetism right about now, but he only did that when he was too thirsty and down at heart to play games. He preferred letting his victims come to him of their own accord, especially where sex was involved. He regarded Nikolaus steadily, drinking in those violet eyes. It was suddenly vastly important to him that Nikolaus wanted Severin forhimand not for his vampire allure. He swallowed, unaccountably nervous as though their roles were reversed and Nikolaus was the wolf, with Severin being the lamb.

“I hear tell these trees contain the sweetest apples in all of Vienna,” he said half-heartedly. He knew he could do better. As a master hunter, he could have torn Nikolaus’s throat out by now.

Nikolaus raised an eyebrow. “I doubt that. It’s spring. There won’tbeany apples.”

Severin cursed his mistake. “As you can see, I’m not much of a gardener.”

Nikolaus smiled. Still he seemed unsure, and Severin felt his patience waning. He didn’t want to be the beast. Not tonight. He preferred to seduce and have a pliable, willing human in his arms. He shivered and his cock throbbed and at that moment Nikolaus stepped through the gate and into the lion’s den.

They walked through the budding fruit trees, the fragrance of foliage heady. The moon shone faintly through the bustling branches overhead and illuminated Nikolaus’s milky complexion. Severin was seconds away from taking him.