Page 15 of Blood Kisses

“It’s my right as your maker to drink from you when I choose.”

Severin shook his head. “You drink from us all to subjugate us. There is no other reason.”

Emil smiled again. A bruise fast bloomed on his jaw, then started to recede. “You’re too suspicious. I drink from you all because vampire blood is as sweet as honey. And yours is the best, Severin, like your tight backside.”

Severin blushed. “What about Istvan? Do you feel anything at all for him or do you drink from him and fuck him for the same reason?”

Emil’s face turned cold. “Leave him out of it.”

“He’s your Achilles’ heel, isn’t he?”

Emil clenched his teeth. His eyes turned red. “I admired you from afar for many a week before I turned you, you know that, don’t you?”

Severin was wrong-footed. “What?”

“I watched you while all those peasants around you died of plague. I admired your stoicism in the face of adversity even if you did show a little too much kindness towards your fellow man and woman.”

Severin stared at him. He had always presumed that Emil had happened upon him in that alleyway and pounced on him as the nearest meal. But Emil had stalked him, planned his murder.

“I don’t make vampires lightly,” Emil continued, watching him. “But I wanted you. I craved you. It’s thanks to me you didn’t die of plague and end up in some stinking mass grave.”

Severin curled his hands into fists. “I don’t feel grateful to you. I never have. Just so you know. You murdered me.”

A look of scorn crossed Emil’s face. “I gave you your life.”

Severin stalked forward, yelling. “What sort of life did you give me? Skulking in the shadows taking innocent lives! Never feeling the sun on my face again. Having to give up the ones I love before I make them into a monster like me.” He gestured back at Nikolaus and saw his lover was sitting up on the bed, wide-eyed with fear.

Emil shoved him backwards, eyes flashing. It inflamed Severin further and he leapt, pinning Emil against the armoire, grabbing his head in both hands. Snapping Emil’s neck wouldn’t work. It would only give him a bit of pain and leave him with bad posture. Severin wasn’t really thinking of killing Emil; thingsthatmomentous needed careful planning. He didn’t think beyond wounding Emil, incapacitating him, revenging himself temporarily and that only happened one way.

As Emil grabbed his forearms and struggled with him, Severin drove his teeth deep into Emil’s throat.

Emil shouted. The room seemed to shiver and shake with his anger. His nails sunk like claws into Severin’s arms. The head vampire’s skin stretched taut like piano wire and broke. His blood exploded into Severin’s mouth in a scorching flood that nearly choked him.

Severin didn’t know what to expect. He had never bitten a vampire before, much less someone of Emil’s age and standing. He hadn’t expectedthis.

Emil’s blood was thick, cloying, and bitter. It burned Severin’s oesophagus on the way down and settled heavily in his stomach. Instantly, Severin felt it leaching into his cells, setting him ablaze, energising him like no blood ever had before. He started to suck in earnest.

Emil made only one attempt at escape. The bite seemed to subdue him. He held onto Severin’s arms now as though they were the only thing keeping him upright. He groaned low in his throat and pressed his pelvis forward, naked erect cock rubbing Severin’s hip.

Severin drank and drank. He didn’t want to stop but some residual sense of decency had always remained in him, no matter what Emil had made him into. Yes, he wanted to kill Emil, but not now, not tonight. Not without considering it carefully. Severin tried not to kill at all if he could help it.

With some effort, he withdrew his teeth. He watched the holes in Emil’s neck begin to close up and when he let go, Emil slithered limply to the ground, head on his chest. Severin stepped back. His entire body was tingling and pulsing. His cock was hard again.

Slowly, he turned to face Nikolaus.

The human climbed off the bed, blanket pulled around him, his face ghastly pale. “Is he dead?”

“No.” Severin bent to retrieve his shirt from the floor and pulled it on, fastening it up. “We must make haste to leave.”

Nikolaus remained rooted to the spot, staring at Emil’s crumpled form.

“Hurry,” Severin snapped. He stalked towards Nikolaus and grabbed him by the arm. Nikolaus shrugged free. Severin stepped back, regarding him. “When Emil regains consciousness, he will kill us both. If I’m gone, and leave you here, he’ll kill you to hurt me. You know that. You must come with me.”

Nikolaus fixed violet eyes on him. Some of that formerly cold expression had come back to his face. “To be what? Your pet?”

Severin lifted an eyebrow. “Maybe. You seem to like it well enough. Your cock was hard even hanging there alone in that dungeon.”

A fiery blush consumed Nikolaus’s face, all the way up to his ears. “I don’t need to explain myself to you.”