“Did it occur to you that I might not want to be the figurehead of the entire city? Heavy is the head that wears the crown.”
“You’d be better at it than they were. Vampires like you, or at least respect you. In all this, there’s not been one incursion here. Not a single one. They've been murdering each other in the streets, taking out humans, forcing ferals into the light…”
“I know. But my position is considered safe here because I am not involved in politics. In spite of various suspicions, the fact that I have not made any move toward power has meant I am left alone, which is precisely what I want to be. I do not want to be lord of the vampires. And you had no right to assume you could manipulate me into it.”
Lorien’s lower lip trembled, and for a moment he looked like a little boy.
“They had me attacked publicly. They had me almost killed. I crawled away like a dying dog and waited for a month to be strong enough to come here. It was painful, it was humiliating, and I was…” Lorien paused, as if he didn’t want to say the word. “I was scared. Nobody makes me scared. So yes, I got rid of them.”
“You didn’t just get rid of them. You tortured and humiliated them,” Maddox lectured. “You were vicious and sadistic — but you were also wrong.”
A small smile appeared on Lorien's face.
“So you forgive me?”
“There's nothing to forgive. But I will not be taking their place,” Maddox informed him as he opened the door again and escorted Lorien out. The unit was gone, having taken their leave in a very sensible way. It was best not to hang about the home of a furious vampire lord faced with the betrayal of his ward.
“Then who will?”
Maddox gave a half-shrug. “These things have ways of working themselves out.”
“No, Maddox. You have to. You’d be perfect.”
“You know I walk a different path. I cannot hold official rank in vampire society while also working with human governments. It would be what they call a conflict of interest.”
“But anybody could rise to power.”
“I know. But we have one last ace that might make a difference for you. You have aspirations to power, Lorien. That kind of drive never goes away. You will either fulfill it, or it will consume you. Better you take the throne now than be denied it.”
“And what's that ace? Will?”
“He's not ready,” Lorien said. “I can tell you that right now. He’s got no… he’s just human.”
“He’s not just human.”
“I’m not just human?” Will’s voice chimed in unexpectedly. He was holding toaster strudel again. They never seemed to notice him when he was foraging for food. Too wrapped up in vampire concerns, he supposed.
“And he’s always wandering around listening into conversations he’s not supposed to be a part of.”
“I’m NOT just HUMAN?” Will shouted the words, furious. “What the fuck does that mean?”
Maddox sighed. He should have explained this earlier, and in a more delicate way, but events were overtaking them at an ever more rapid pace.
“You’ve never wondered why you were so much more aggressive than others? Even the ones who were so violent they were imprisoned with you? Did you not wonder why your blood boiled so easily, why you felt compelled to defend those you considered family, even those you didn’t like? Why you killed for Lorien and felt no guilt?”
“Because I’m a sociopath.”
“No. You're not. You’re wired differently…”
“That’s what being a sociopath is.”
“It’s not. Sociopaths don’t feel empathy. You do. Too much sometimes. You have loyalty in your marrow. Sociopaths don’t have it. You’re something different.”
“What am I?”
“You’re a werewolf.”