Maddox contented himself with a head shake and kept walking, with Lorien at his heels.
“What happened? Who killed them? How did they die?”
“Enough,” Maddox sighed. “I’m going to bed.”
“Since when do you go to bed?”
“Since I miss my boy.”
His door opened and Will rolled over in bed to see Maddox was framed in it, a dark and handsome figure silhouetted against the light.
“I have not had sufficient time with you,” he said to the darkness. “I apologize for that.”
“’S’okay,” Will mumbled, half-asleep and not sure what to make of the notes of apparent affection in Maddox’s tone. They were still largely strangers to one another, in spite of the rough intimacy they had shared almost immediately.
Maddox stepped onto the room, removing his jacket and waistcoat, and then his shirt. His body was lit by the ambient light of the hall, a faint red glow playing over the muscular lines and ridges of a torso perpetually in the very best of shape. Will felt himself throb in anticipation.
“I need you,” Maddox said, drawing Will close, wrapping an arm around Will’s neck and drawing him close, running his nose and mouth up the side of Will’s neck.
“What’s wrong? What’s with all the law enforcement? Is it about me?”
“Nothing’s wrong. Just what Lorien would call vamp drama.”
It sounded odd to hear Maddox speak so informally, but Will did not have time to focus on words, for the vampire master was all action, his large hand wrapping around Will’s cock with a possessive grip. Will stiffened, feeling his vulnerability and arousal both flaring into bright life.
“I forget you’re a vampire. You feel like a different kind of monster.”
Mad’s mouth was on Will’s neck, lightly nibbling, no fangs. Will’s cock throbbed in his iron grip.
“I meant to spend so much more time with you, pup,” Mads growled lightly in his ear. “I’m afraid business has interrupted that.”
“I’m… mnnnghh… good,” Will grunted as Maddox stroked his cock. The violent hunger between them was still there, looming between them, powering their intimacy. This creature was a stranger, still. A master who tripped the levers inside his head and yet remained unknown in so many respects. Will found himself searching for Maddox’s eyes, trying to drink in his essence, to understand the dark attraction which had been so compelling from the beginning.
“I will have to be careful with you, my broken boy,” Maddox purred, shifting Will into a more fuckable face-down position, pillows propped in all the right places to support his aching body.
He didn’t know why Maddox needed him. Will was certain there was nothing he had to offer a vampire. He was weak and he was human and he couldn’t even kill on command. He had a broken leg and a broken soul. And yet here Maddox was, stroking him like a good pet, making him feel wanted, making him feel valued.
“Reach back and spread yourself for me,” Maddox ordered softly.
Will did as he was told. He put his hands back, took hold of his cheeks and opened them, baring himself to the vampire master who owned every bit of him. He was still half-asleep, and there was something about that mental twilight which made everything feel better.
“Good boy,” Maddox purred. Will felt a flush of warmth run through him as he laid there, face down after an evening of unwilling bondage, now displaying himself willingly for the one who was truly his master.
“So tender. So pretty,” Maddox purred. “You really are a work of art, boy.”
Will had not received many compliments in his life. The words coming from Maddox found a soft and sensitive spot in him he did not know existed. Had he ever wanted to be pretty before? Had he ever wanted to be good? Had it ever seemed like it was an option?
It was an option now. All he had to do was lie there and be the hot, willing vessel for Maddox’s lust. He closed his eyes and he let out a long low moan as he felt Maddox penetrating him with that thick, ancient vampire cock. Hundreds of years of fucking had made him a master of the art of penetration. He knew how to move his hips, when to apply lubricant and when to use the slight grip of a less-than-lubed ass for his advantage.
“So good,” Maddox moaned, covering Will’s body with his own, stronger, longer, bigger frame. Will sank into the bed, his prone form absolutely dominated with a surprisingly gentle vampire lover. “I am proud of you for not reacting to Lorien. It shows you are beginning to get a hold on your temper.”
Will did not mention that he’d had no choice, that Lorien had gotten the chains on him before he had a chance to stab him with any cutlery. He wouldn’t have been able to form the words anyway. The firm, regular thrusts of the hard cock inside his ass were making it impossible to form words, let alone say them.
Was this his purpose? Had he been sprung from prison to be the fuck toy of a creature nobody knew existed? Would he spend the rest of what could be a short life wrapped around the dick of an unholy master, his own cock straining with need and burning with the heat of the orgasm rising in his balls?
He didn't know the answer to any of those questions. All he truly knew was that he was being claimed again, taken with rough care, fucked to the brim full of vampire seed. He was a dirty, filthy little toy, he was a submissive little toy, and in those beautiful moments where Maddox gripped him to his own spurting orgasm, he surrendered to all of it.