Will looked at him warily.
“Keep your hands to your fucking self if you want peace.”
It had been a while since he was in Henry’s presence, and he was absolutely not in the mood to submit to anybody who wasn’t Maddox. He couldn’t help but be hurt by being sent away, even if it was supposed to be for his own good. Maddox was back in New York with a handsome ancient. Will didn’t feel exactly confident in Maddox’s promise. Everybody Will knew lied. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Mad specifically, it was that he didn’t trust anybody generally. It was easier to start a fight with someone older and meaner than be sad.
“I’m not fucking staying here,” he cursed. “This is bullshit. The tent isn’t big enough for all of us.”
“It doesn’t need to be. You’ll sleep outside like the spoiled whelp you are.” Henry took the bait immediately. Will got a kick out of that. He’d half wondered if Maddox had made him too obedient during their extended vacation. Nope. He still had it in him to be a complete and utter little shit.
“Is that why you’re making Lorien sleep under leaves? Is he spoiled too? Is a roof too much to ask for in your realm, pack master?”
Henry narrowed his eyes. “We’ve been waiting for you. Now you’re here, we can move deeper into the forest and take up one of the old hunting cabins.”
“Lorien’s going to starve,” Will pointed out pragmatically. “This is a stupid idea. Everything about this place is stupid. Including you.”
“Alright,” Henry sighed. “You want a beating? I can give you a beating.”
“You put a finger on me, and you’re gonna lose it,” Will promised.
He’d forgotten the pack master didn’t exactly respond positively to threats. Henry lunged for him. Will laughed as he tried to dash away, but there was no chance of escaping Henry. In short order, the pack master had wrestled Will to the ground, pinning him in place. They were both panting from exertion, Will more than Henry. He wasn’t fit enough for this fight.
“Why are you being such a little shit? You’ve always been one, but not like this…”
“I think Maddox is going to leave me. I think he’s sent me here to be your problem. And I think I’m not going to let you put a fucking finger on me, Henry.”
Henry laughed.
“Maddox is not going to leave you. I have never seen anybody more attached to anybody the way he is to you.”
“Yeah, and Gideon saw that too. And I saw what he’s like around Gideon. He’s not the same Maddox. He’s weaker and crueler. I don’t recognize him. I don’t think he’s going to come back for me. Ever.”
Henry squeezed his shoulder. “I’ve got you for now, Will. Don’t worry. Maddox is coming for you. I promise.”
That was a big fucking promise.
Maddox missed his boy.
It had been a single day, and already being separated from Will felt like missing a limb. He was worried that Will might not be behaving himself, and that he might perhaps get the better of Henry. He was worried that this was the longest separation they had ever endured in their relationship, and something might befall Will in the meantime, some cruel twist of fate that might mean their separation was eternal. In short, he was worried, and nothing about Gideon’s presence made him any less worried.
“Sulking, brother?”
Raymond intruded on Maddox’s thoughts with his presence. It was an instant irritation, and would be no matter who had interrupted him, but there was some particular smugness in Ray’s expression which made his presence all the more galling.
Maddox loathed Raymond the way only a younger sibling can loathe an older one.
“Not sulking. Thinking.”
“Thinking of excuses, no doubt. Gideon is resting for now. Soon he will regain his strength completely, and then you will be due a reckoning, little brother.”
“Is there really nothing you have better to do?”
“No. I attend Gideon. This is, quite literally, my job.”
A knock at the door gave Maddox excuse to rise. “Probably one of my human contacts,” he said. “I will send them away.”
“Yes. Do,” Raymond said. “Lest they be given the honor of restoring Gideon’s power.”