He set about making sure that was all he could hear, ravaging Lorien with a desperate thoroughness that left Lorien absolutely unable to do anything besides whimper softly against the concrete floor. It went without saying that Henry’s seed soon flooded Lorien’s inner sanctum, giving permission and encouragement for Lorien’s orgasm to burst forth, coating Maddox’s floor with a thick stream of come.
“Now,” Henry said, standing up, leaving Lorien where he lay. “Let’s have some ice cream.”
“Can’t eat ice cream.”
Henry's belt came down against Lorien’s upturned, cum drenched ass with an unexpected flash of raw heat. Lorien gasped. He’d been about to get up, his palms were flattened against the floor, chest half-raised. The stroke put him down again very effectively.
“What was that for?”
“With you there's always a reason, even if I don't know it yet.”
“You’re mad because I can’t have ice cream?” Lorien turned his head and looked at Henry as he towered over him. Henry was fucking hot from the floor, his dark eyes two dark pools of post-coital aggression. He was naked from the waist up, covered in sweat and tattoos, a faint smear of shining seed running down the length of his pubic hair. The belt double looped in his big hand made Lorien’s cock throb again.
“I’m mad because I already can’t imagine a world without you, and one day you’ll have to live in a world without me. And because your ass begs to be beaten. You’re beautiful.”
“And you’re far too rough and way too sweet at the same time. Can I get up now?”
“No. Stay there.”
“You want me to lie on the floor while you eat ice cream?”
“Yes. I want you to lie there with your pants down and your ass out where I can see how well I fucked and thrashed it. I want to see you just as you are now, how you should be.”
“You know, keeping me down here, whipping me. It’s not going to stop me from being king to…. FUCK!”
Henry had lashed him again. Hard and furious. The sound was like a gunshot echoing around the concrete walls. Lorien shouted. And screamed. And laid back in place for another… just like the good boy he was.
Lorien rarely slept but Henry did, and Lorien spent the evening lying with him while he did, watching his mate breathe slowly and deeply, admiring the wolf he had taken into his bed and wondering how long it would take for Henry to get sick of him.
It had been a very long time since Lorien had lain with anybody, and even longer since he’d been with anybody who’d made him feel anything. Henry made him feel soft and weak and strong and… so many things. When he looked at Henry, he felt as though he was standing at the bottom of a very large and mysterious mountain range, about to go on a journey like no other. He was not familiar with the terrain, but he was inextricably enchanted by the beauty.
Henry had pledged his devotion, and Lorien knew better than to question that. The alpha did not make idle promises. Somehow, against all odds, Lorien appeared to have found someone who cared for him deeply. Life, such as it was, appeared to be full of potential for love and adventure. He was feeling very positive. Perhaps things could be good. Perhaps…
Ring ring!
“Oh, shit.”
It was a tedious tale as to how they had gotten to this point. Captain Candy had called in a disturbance around five o’clock in the morning, and Henry had stirred when Lorien got up to deal with it, and now the pair of them were at the Library. Unfortunately, the Library no longer appeared to be at the Library.
The building had crumbled and fallen in on itself as if an interior
detonation had taken place. The frontage was completely destroyed, aside from the front door which stood in front of the chaotic mess as awkwardly as possible.
Lorien stepped over the rubble, realizing that Maddox was going to literally kill him for this. Maddox had left the place to Lorien to look after and now, after over a hundred years of standing as a magnificent testament to the power of their kind, it was gone.
“Fuck me,” he sighed. “Why do these things always happen to me? It looks like something came up from under the floor? Maybe a gas leak? Maybe this isn’t my fault?”
Henry gave him a this is definitely your fault look over the rubble.
“A lot happened at the last meeting. There was a staking, a werewolf infestation, a new king…”
“Yeah. Buildings don’t care what happens inside them,” Lorien said. “At least, not usually. But tell you what, maybe you should get out of here.