Page 8 of Greedy Gods

Lucian stalks forward, magic swirling around him in agitation. "These are Sky Pack lands, vampire. Your kind isn't welcome here."

The woman halts, raising her delicate hands in a conciliatory gesture. "Please, I only wish to talk. I know your quest, Wind God—and I wish to aid you."

I exchange a startled glance with Lucian. How could this stranger know about our mission for the bones? Unease twists my gut. Something about her makes my skin crawl. I get the feeling Teller is involved in this, in which case he's far more likely to want the bones for himself. No doubt so he can use them to manipulate Fern's connection to the wellspring's power—something I won't allow.

Lucian continues approaching warily. "If you know why we're here here, then you know we're not going to allow your intrusion. What makes you think we'd let you stick around?"

The vampire's ruby lips curve in a sly smile. "I can show you how to use the bones of the dead one you seek to gain more power. To free yourselves from your bonds to the wellspring, and defeat your enemy."

Snorting, Adar asks, "Not that we'll believe you, but how do you plan on doing that?"

"Destroy them," she says simply, "and the world's last omega will no longer be able to control the wellspring's power. Which means its four true guardians—the werewolf gods of each element," she says, motioning to them, "will be able to harness the wellspring's power fully. Just imagine what you could do with it... once I give you the dark spell that will unlock its power."

I don't have to ask my mates to know they disapprove. I can feel it through our bonds.

Lucian meets Sybil's gaze steadily. "No thanks, bloodsucker. Fuck the fuck off or get slayed."

Sybil's polite mask slips at his blunt rejection, eyes flashing with rage. In a blur, she vanishes. I cry out in warning as she reappears behind Lucian, white fingers grasping, fangs bared—

A wall of earth erupts between them. Thale's doing. The vampire crashes into it with a feral hiss.

Lucian whirls, magic lashing out. But Sybil is gone again. This time she materializes directly in front of me, hands grasping for my throat.

Heat explodes against my face. Adar unleashes a torrent of flames, driving Sybil back with an ear-piercing shriek. She burns as no natural creature could, skin crackling and peeling away to reveal bloody muscle beneath. The stench makes me gag.


The authoritative command rings out into the air from everywhere and nowhere, making my hackles stand up. Sybil freezes, bleeding and panting. Her bloodshot eyes fixate on me with disturbing intensity.

Slowly, her charred flesh begins to knit itself back together, healing unnaturally fast. The vampire straightens, inclining her head with a smile, and speaks into the air.

"As you wish, Master."

Unease twists my gut. She has a master? Who controls this absolute psychopath?

Sybil's gaze bores into mine. "You can't keep ancient souls bound forever, Caterina," she hisses. "And you can't stop what's coming. My Master will see to that."

With those chilling words, she blurs away into the woods. This time, she doesn't reappear.

We stand in tense silence a moment, processing the bizarre, unsettling encounter. Lucian turns to me, jaw clenched.

"She knew too much," he mutters. "And she reeked of Teller's stench."

I shudder. If Sybil is connected to the general, it's even more vital we get to those bones before he does.

We push forward, my mates clustered protectively around me. The sun sinks toward the horizon as we climb. Exhaustion weighs on me, but I force my aching legs to keep moving. We have to reach our the bones before nightfall, and before someone else gets to them.

I'm struggling not to stagger when Everett grasps my arm. "There," he rumbles in his deep baritone.

I follow his pointing finger up the steep trail ahead. At the mountain's summit sits a small stone altar, so weathered it blends into the rocky peak. But there's no mistaking the power thrumming from it, even at this distance.

Fern's bones. We've found them.

With renewed energy, we hike up the last stretch. I can't tear my eyes from the ancient altar ahead, our goal finally in sight.

When we reach the summit, the gods use their powers to search for lurking threats. Finding none, they gesture for me to approach.

My heart pounds as I step up to the altar. In the center sits a weathered bowl filled with what looks like pebbles or shells. But I know they are Fern's remains, glowing with the magic of Ali's guiding spell.