Page 42 of Greedy Gods

Other young pack members trail behind, along with Callie, who's pregnant with a second set of twins. Our pack has healed and grown together, and now we have more young than we can count.

The band starts to warm up as the sun begins to set. I sway absently with Luca in my arms as I survey the festive gathering, then hand him off to his father as the night grows long. Werewolves of all ages mingle, sharing food and drink. My heart swells at the sight.

This—this peace, this unity—is what we fought so hard to achieve. What Fern and all the others sacrificed for. We will not waste their gift.

Strong arms slide around my waist from behind. I lean back into Thale's sturdy embrace with a contented sigh. His earthy scent envelops me, his bearded cheek warm against my hair.

"You've outdone yourself, my love," Thale rumbles. "Our people are joyful tonight thanks to you."

I twist in his arms to face him. "It was a group effort." I gesture around us. "Look at all we've built together."

Thale's stern features crease into a smile. He sweeps me effortlessly into a dance, spinning me across the grass. I cling to his shoulders, giggling like a girl.

When the song ends, Thale draws me close, forest green eyes intent. "Ten years ago I was allowed to walk this earth again for you. I had no notion fate would grant me so much more." His massive hand splays over my heart. "A true home, and a family beyond imagining."

Emotion clogs my throat. I reach up to caress his bearded cheek. "We are both blessed beyond measure."

Thale seals his mouth over mine in a tender kiss. My heart swells, overflowing with love for this steadfast, passionate man. He is my rock, my oak—my mate.

When we finally draw back, Thale keeps me tucked close against his side as we rejoin the celebration. Across the meadow, Lucian is enchanting a crowd of young ones with colorful illusions spun from wind and colorful banners. Their delighted laughter warms my soul.

I lean into Thale contentedly as we watch our pack celebrate together. The mouthwatering aromas wafting from the tables remind me it's been hours since I last ate.

Ever practical, Thale procures two heaping plates of roasted meat, fresh bread and cheeses. We settle together on the soft grass to enjoy our meal.

Between bites, I glance around curiously for the others. My gaze soon lands on Adar, surrounded as usual by an eager audience as he recounts some daring exploit. His strong voice carries easily across the distance as he acts out a battle scene.

Though Adar plays it up theatrically for his enraptured listeners, I know each tale is based on truth. He has never sought to hide the violent deeds of his past. But here, with our children grown up safe, that bloody history seems lifetimes away.

As if sensing my thoughts, Adar pauses mid-scene to shoot me a roguish wink. His love kindles an answering warmth in my core. No matter how much time passes, seeing Adar still makes my heart beat faster.

Nearby, Everett keeps a watchful eye on the youngsters chasing fireflies in the gathering dusk. His big hands clap encouragement when little Evan catches one, beaming proudly.

My gentle giant was born to be a father. His protective nature found new purpose shielding our son and daughters. Though Luca takes foremost after Lucian in looks and temperament, all our children adore their steadfast father.

I smile softly, imagining the new little one nestled safe in Ali's womb that will call him Uncle. Though not bonded by blood, Everett already cherishes his unborn babe, often pressing a gentle hand to Ali's belly to feel it stir.

As the moon climbs overhead, painted faces begin appearing at the edge of the firelight. Representatives from the witch covens have come to bless this gathering. I spot familiar faces like Cassandra and Constance, along with newer arrivals, weaving between revelers to bestow good fortune.

Rhea Storm finds me amidst the crowd, her face creasing into a smile. She cups my cheek fondly. "You've done well, Rina. Fern would be so proud."

I lean into her praise, blinking sudden tears from my eyes.

On impulse, I draw the witch into an exuberant dance. She follows gamely, dark hair flying. Rhea has been a great coven leader. Having her here tonight fills me with joy.

The music and dancing stretch long into the night. My feet are sore and my cheeks flushed from exertion and laughter by the time I take a break. I sink down beside Ali at one of the banquet tables, gratefully accepting a cup of cool water from her.

"I don't know how you keep up with them all," Ali remarks, amusement glinting in her dark eyes. She rubs a hand over her gently rounded belly. "I'm ready to nap just watching."

I laugh, nudging her shoulder playfully. "Just wait until this little one arrives. Then you'll know real exhaustion."

Ali's answering smile glows with anticipation. She already loves her unborn child fiercely.

Across the meadow, I spot Calliope in deep discussion with the Sky Pack's elder Edith. Silver heads bent together, their lively gestures speak to rebuilding connections between our packs.

Watching them, I'm reminded suddenly of Fern, her spirit alight with passion as she spoke of the future. I wish she could be here to see what we've built from her sacrifice.

"Do you think she would be happy?" I ask Ali softly. "With how far we've come?"