Page 41 of Greedy Gods

"What look is that?" I ask innocently, though I know very well what she refers to.

Ali snorts delicately. "The moony, sentimental one." But her eyes are warm with understanding. She knows as well as I that we are blessed beyond measure.

Luca begins squirming eagerly in Ali's hold, little face lighting up when he sees his siblings playing. Ali lets his hand go with an indulgent smile.

"Go on then, little love. Try not to get too messy."

Luca scampers off happily to join the others. Ali slips her arm through mine as we amble after our brood at a slower pace. Though not bonded by blood, she is as much a mother to all my children as I am. We share everything.

As we draw nearer, Evan catches sight of us and begins straining in Everett's arms, chubby hands reaching out. "Mama! Auntie!"

Laughing, I hurry over to scoop my youngest into my embrace, smothering his round cheeks in kisses until he squeals. "There's my beautiful boy! Have you been good for your Da?"

Evan babbles cheerful nonsense, one pudgy fist tangled in my hair. My heart clenches just looking at him. Everett's namesake, and his father's son through and through.

I glance over to where Thale is tussling with the girls now, Ada clinging fiercely to his back. Their happy shouts and laughter lighten my spirit. After so many years of darkness, this joy and light feel like an undeserved gift.

"You've made quite the paradise here."

I turn, a pleased smile breaking over my face as Talon approaches. Though much changed from the bitter, broken woman I knew as a child, some of my mother's cynicism remains. It's a sign of our healed relationship that she voices the sentiment at all.

"Mom, you're early!" I exclaim, embracing her.

Talon returns my enthusiastic hug. Her once lank hair is neatly styled now, shot through with dignified strands of silver. Sobriety suits her.

"I wanted to help you set up for the celebration," she explains. Her keen gaze sweeps over the sprawling meadow dotted with colorful tents and tables. "It looks like you have everything well in hand already."

Pride swells in my chest. It took many long days of preparation, but seeing it come together is deeply satisfying.

"Tonight will be wonderful," Ali assures her, squeezing Talon's shoulder. "Everyone is so excited."

She isn't exaggerating. When Thale sent out word of this gathering to commemorate the decade of peace between packs, responses poured in swiftly. Representatives from all the major packs, along with many lone wolves, clamor to attend the momentous event.

Tonight the meadow will be filled with old friends and new come together in celebration. Music, feasting, and dancing to last until dawn. And tomorrow, talks of the future.

But more personally, this also marks a milestone for my family. Ten years to the day since we defeated General Teller and found our fate as true mates. Much has changed in that time, but what matters most remains—our love, and the future we build together.

I glance to where my mates are now sprawled in the grass, children clambering over them. Lucian's silvery laugh rings out as Thalia tries to stick flowers in his hair. The sound warms me like sunshine. My wind god has found true joy here.

Sensing my gaze, Lucian glances up. His angular face softens, ice blue eyes glowing. In a blink, he's at my side, brushing a swift kiss over my lips and knuckles over Luca's downy head.

"All proceeds well, my wild one?" At my happy nod, he smiles. "Good. Tonight will be one for the ages, thanks to you."

Lucian whistles sharply. At his summons, our children come scampering eagerly over. He catches Thalia about the waist, swinging her up onto his shoulders. Her delighted laughter makes my heart sing.

"Come, little ones, let's give your mother a hand." Lucian flashes me a wink as he sets off toward the bustling meadow, our brood trailing behind.

I watch them go with a full heart. Ali links her arm through mine again. "He's so good with them," she remarks fondly.

It's true. Though Lucian wasn't sure for years that he was ready to be a father, he cherishes our daughters and sons. His patience and cleverness make him an excellent teacher. And as Luca's blonde hair can attest, in time he came around, and decided he was ready to give me his bite and his babe.

"They all are," I agree, smiling as I take in the scene. My mates dote shamelessly on our children, relishing this second chance to guide young lives. It's a gift we never take for granted.

As the afternoon wanes, more guests begin arriving. I'm kept busy greeting old friends like the Sky Pack alpha Edith, and new allies like Hazel, spokeswoman for the nomadic Fury Pack.

I've just finished embracing Hazel when two small missiles barrel into my legs. I look down into the grinning faces of my twin "nieces", Sophie and Eliza, daughters of one of my packmates, Callie. Laughing, I sweep them up into my arms.

"Let Aunt Rina breathe, you rascals," Talon scolds without any real heat. She takes Sophie from me, kissing her plump cheek.