Page 40 of Greedy Gods

Ali's eyes go wide at the sight of the delicate, glowing thread. "I didn't even notice it until now," she admits, awe in her voice. "But I don't even have a wolf form, just like my father."

"You could still be destined for a wolf," I tell he eagerly. "You're a member of our pack, too."

"Who do you think it could be?" Ali clasps her hands, practically vibrating from anticipation. "Oh, I can hardly wait! I wonder if I know them already?" Her dark eyes sparkle as she turns possibilities over in her mind.

Watching my dearest friend glow, I feel I may burst from joy. She above all deserves fated love.

"We must celebrate this too!" I declare. Impulsively, I pull Ali into an exuberant dance around the kitchen, laughing. She follows my lead gracefully, even in her faded blue jeans.

Breathless, we eventually collapse back into our chairs. I lift my teacup in a toast. "To Ali and her future happiness," I proclaim.

"Here, here!" my mates chorus. Ali ducks her head, cheeks pinking charmingly. I know she feels the same fierce love for me and our strange little family that I do for her. With this bond revealed, our happiness is complete.

Later, as we relax by the fire, our discussion turns to the future. Ever practical, Thale spreads a map on the table to discuss expansion plans for our territory.

"If we extend patrols here and here," he explains, tracing proposed boundaries, "it will allow space for new families within our protections."

Lucian nods thoughtfully, keen strategic mind working. "An excellent notion, brother. And perhaps we could establish regular envoys to visit the other packs, to maintain connections."

Diplomatic tasks suit Lucian's talents well. He was born to build bridges between factions. I squeeze his hand in encouragement.

"All that can wait." Adar's impatient voice interrupts our planning. He pulls me onto his lap, stroking my hair. "For now, Rina should focus only on rest and taking care of herself."

His protective streak is endearing, if mildly exasperating. I twist around to face him. "I'm pregnant, my heart, not helpless. I can still contribute to discussions."

Adar huffs, but concedes the point with good grace. He knows better than to try and wrap me in wool. I settle more comfortably against his chest, content for now to listen as the conversation swirls around me.

"With Teller gone, now is the time for building," Everett rumbles thoughtfully. He gazes into the flickering hearth, strong face etched with purpose. "We must raise up the next generation to carry on Fern's legacy."

Thale nods solemnly. "Well said. We will create a world that's different than the one we left behind." His eyes find mine, pale and intent. "Our packs will be free and peaceful, thanks to you, dear one."

His words resonate through me. We have been gifted an opportunity to bring true change after so much struggle. The future lies open before us, bright with promise.

Later that night, as we prepare for bed, I find myself watching Ali. She moves through her familiar routine in a glow of giddy anticipation.

Tomorrow, her life may change forever when fate reveals her destined mate. I pray whoever it may be recognizes the treasure they've been gifted in my dearest friend.

Strong arms enfold me from behind, and I lean back into Thale's solid warmth. Our future path stretches out ahead too, filled with endless possibilities. But tonight, I am content.


Sunlight filters through the canopy of vibrant green leaves overhead, dappling the forest floor. I pause in gathering herbs, lifting my face to the warmth with a contented sigh. It's a beautiful spring day in Mountain Pack territory, rich with the scents of life and new beginnings.

The sound of childish laughter draws my gaze to the meadow just beyond the trees. My four children—Thalia, Raim, Ada, and baby Evan—are tumbling playfully with their fathers in the grass.

Eight-year-old Thalia has her arms wrapped around Thale's neck as he pretends to stagger under her slight weight. Though she takes more after me in looks, with dark hair and eyes, my oldest daughter shares her father's steadfast spirit. Thale adores her utterly.

Her twin, eight-year-old Raim, is napping in the sun. He takes after his father in looks, but is more calm and steadfast, with a mischievous streak that rarely pops up. With bright red hair and cinnamon brown skin, he fits right in standing next to Adar.

He isn't the only child my fiery god gave me. Rambunctious Ada is putting up a valiant effort trying to wrestle Adar to the ground. Though only six, my feisty redheaded girl has her sire's fiery temperament. Adar flips her over his shoulder, eliciting delighted squeals.

Gentle Everett cradles one-year-old Evan to his broad chest, keeping the toddler safely away from the roughhousing. Evan burbles happily, pudgy hands grasping at his father's long hair. He is the image of Everett in miniature, already with his sire's thoughtful nature.

Joy wells up inside me watching my family. The shadows of the past seem lifetimes away now. Here there is only peace, and promise.

"You're getting that look on your face again."

I turn with a smile to see Ali approaching, my fifth child—a sturdy, blond-haired four year old named Luca—holding her hand. Her rounded belly, just starting to swell with new life, speaks to the happiness she's found too since fate revealed her destined mate.