Page 17 of Greedy Gods

I'm swept up in a swell of emotions—Fern's joy, grief, and bone-deep weariness mingling with my own tumultuous feelings.

"I'm here," I tell her. "I won't leave you alone this time."

Fern's consciousness surrounds me as she draws nearer to the spell's light. "Dear one, you've done it. You've brought me home. Now the souls I tethered to mine can finally rest... thank you, Caterina."

Fern's gratitude washes over me. Then scenes from her life begin to unfold—glimpses of joy and sorrow, passion and sacrifice. I witness her tragic end and the violent alphas she condemned as she brought the omega souls to the wellspring's depths. Her last memories of the world above, tinged with sorrowful hope for the future.

A vision coalesces before me—a petite woman with kind eyes and long dark hair. Fern's lost omega sister, Calli. My heart aches at the reminder of my own sister-in-spirit, Ali.

The images come faster, centuries of memories pouring out. Fern shared this life with me when she first came to the wellspring, but now the full force of it threatens to sweep me away.

I cling to my connection with her, determined not to let her face this alone. Fern's spirit wraps around mine, bolstering me. The torrent slows to a trickle, then fades away.

"Thank you for staying," Fern whispers. "I wasn't sure I could bear to remember it all again."

My throat tightens with emotion. "That's what sisters do. Now rest, Fern. Your sacrifice will finally keep all omegas safe for eternity."

The wellspring is activated as we speak. A light bursts from the ancient stones of the Mating Circle, beckoning Fern's soul back to the guardian role she sacrificed everything for.

I feel our connection severing as she withdraws into the light. Her last words echo in my mind, full of love. "Guard your packs well, dear one. Your future is bright."

Then the light flares once and winks out. Fern is gone, her broken remains all that remain. I bow my head, overflowing with bittersweet emotion. It is done.

Gentle hands help me to my feet. I blink up at my worried mates through a sheen of tears. Their beloved faces swim back into focus, grounding me.

"Did it work?" Thale rumbles. "Is she at peace?"

I nod, not yet trusting my voice. They gather close, offering wordless comfort. I cling to their strength, breathing in their familiar scents until the lingering ache of Fern's loss eases.

Finally I find my voice again. "It's over. She's where she belongs now." I manage a watery smile. "No more hitchhikers in my head."

Lucian presses a fierce kiss to my hair. "Then our path is clear, my wild one. We finish Teller, sever our own bonds to the wellspring, and then..." His icy eyes glint with promise.

"Live happily ever after?" I suggest impishly.

Adar chuckles. "Something like that, precious." His expression turns serious. "But Teller first. He won't stop until he's dead and burned."

"Too right," Thale rumbles. "We end the bastard for good, then claim the future we desire." He cups my cheek tenderly. "You have been so brave, dear heart. Soon you'll have all you've dreamed of."

I lean into his steadying strength, allowing myself to picture that future we've sacrificed so much for. A home here with my mates, my pack bonds strong, new life growing within me. Hard-won peace.

We've taken the first step by laying Fern's spirit to rest. Now we finish this fight, once and for all.


Abrisk knock at the cabin door startles me from my brooding. Before I can react, Lucian flashes to answer it, ever wary of potential threats. His tense posture relaxes when he glimpses our visitors.

"Lady Talon, Elder Calliope—this is a surprise." He steps back to allow them inside.

I get up from my chair from my chair as the two women sweep inside, trailing Thale and Adar in their wake. My mom's blue eyes are bright with excitement, her usual cynicism absent. Calliope wears a similar eager expression that seems out of place on her wizened features.

My gaze darts between them in surprise. "Is everything alright? Did something happen?"

"All is well, dear one," Thale rumbles reassuringly. But curiosity glimmers in his pale eyes.

Talon clasps my hands, giving them an enthusiastic squeeze. "Better than well, actually. Calliope and I have discovered something incredible!"

The elder nods, smiling broadly. "Oh yes, such fortunate news! We've found a ritual to free your gods from the wellspring's bonds."